Abstract & Paper submission
Over the past two decades, INTED2025 has been an event where educators have shared their experiences on education and technology, reshaping the learning landscape.
Enter the myIATED online submission application:
The submission process is closed.
Please check the following dates and the submission guidelines over before sending in your abstract:
- Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: December 20th 2024.
- Final Paper Submission Deadline: January 9th 2025. (*)
- Registration deadline for authors: January 9th 2025. (*)
- Virtual presentation deadline: February 5th 2025. (*)
- Conference Dates: March 3rd-4th-5th 2025.
(*) Included. By midnight - 23:59 Los Angeles Time Zone
Contributions will only be published in the
INTED2025 Proceedings if at least one of the authors of the paper is registered before
January 9th 2025 (this applies to both in-person and virtual participants).
Submission guidelines for oral, poster and virtual modalities
- Abstracts should be submitted on-line through the myIATED platform. Please do not send abstracts via email.
- Authors should sign in with their user and password.
- New users should create their myIATED account first.
- All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
- Abstracts should be within the scope of the conference topic areas.
- Please remember that a single author registration can cover a maximum of 2 abstracts.
- Avoid citing sources in your abstract. The abstract should be self-contained and fully understandable without reference to other sources.
- Define abbreviations the first time they appear in your text. Example: HEA (Higher Education Area), before being used as an abbreviation only. Abbreviations or their definitions should not be used in the title.
- Complex mathematical formulas should be avoided. For the symbols ≤ or ≥, type instead <= or >=.
- Tables, charts or other graphics may not be included in the abstract and will be deleted by the editors.
- The maximum length is 3500 characters including spaces.
- The minimum number of characters for an abstract to be reviewed is 1000, including spaces.
- Authors should indicate whether their presentation preference is oral, poster or virtual. The Programme Committee reserves the right to decide on the final allocation and presentation method.
- After having registered as an author, you will receive a confirmation by email.
- After registering a new abstract, you will receive an email with your abstract ID. This abstract is still editable.
- When your abstract is ready, you will be able to send it to the Scientific Committee for evaluation. It will no longer be editable. Abstracts are automatically sent for evaluation after the submission deadline.
- All participants will be notified by December 20th 2024 about whether their abstracts have been accepted, rejected or if they need modifications.
- If you run into any problems during the submission process or you do not receive an email confirmation, please contact the Conference Secretary at inted2025@iated.org.
- If your abstract is accepted, a Final Paper should be submitted. The length of the final paper should be between 4 and 10 pages (including references). You will find in your myIATED account a customized template of the Final Paper which includes your title and author details.
- A paper should contain the description of your study and should follow the general structure of Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if applicable) and References.
- Please note that the title and the list of authors should coincide with those of the accepted abstract.
- All references should be cited according to the Bibliography and Citation Style.
- Contributions will only be published in the INTED2025 Proceedings if at least one of the authors of the paper is registered before January 9th 2025 (this applies to both in-person and virtual participants).
- If you wish to be a session chair, please email your request to inted2025@iated.org and indicate the topic area in which you are interested. To be a session chair, you must first be a registered participant of the conference.