Call for workshop proposals

Call for workshop proposals

Interactive workshop proposals within the themes of the conference can be submitted to INTED2025. Workshops will last from between 90-120 minutes and provide conference participants a chance to take part in hands-on activities, and lively, engaging discussions.

Review criteria

Workshop proposals will be evaluated taking into account factors including the overall quality of the proposal, suitability of the topic, clear final outcomes and benefits for attendees, and the interactivity of the proposal. After having received your session proposal, it will be evaluated, and you will receive an acceptance/rejection notification by email on January 30, 2025.
The session chairs are responsible for ensuring that the contents are stimulating, and for moderating the session.

How to propose a workshop?

If you wish to submit a proposal, please sign in with your myIATED account and fill in this form about your workshop before January 15, 2025.
