ICERI is an annual meeting point for academics, experts in education and other teaching professionals to exchange new knowledge about education, research, and innovation. Since the first ICERI conference 17 years ago, this event has brought together participants from all over the globe.
ICERI2023, held from the 13th to the 15th of November 2023 in Seville, Spain, was a great success with the attendance of over 800 professionals. This made it one of the Europe's largest in-person educational conferences. Participants could share their research with an international audience and receive valuable feedback from others in their field, as well as learn from the world’s most renowned educators. All abstracts and papers presented at the conference have been compiled together in the ICERI2023 Proceedings.
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Title: ICERI2023 Proceedings ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8 / ISSN: 2340-1095 Browse this publication in IATED Digital Library Contact email: |
ICERI aims to publish conference proceedings that contain high-quality original research articles, meeting the expected ethical standards. All authors that published their papers in the ICERI2023 Proceedings signed the IATED copyright transfer form. IATED guarantees the high technical and professional quality of the publications, and that good practice and ethical standards are maintained. More information about the publication ethics of IATED is available at:
ICERI2023’s focus included the following topics:
Education: New Trends and Experiences
Pedagogical Methods and Innovations
Inclusive Learning, Cultural Diversity and Special Education
Teacher Training and Educational Management
Curriculum Design
Accreditation and Quality in Education
Learning Analytics
Educational Research: New Trends and Experiences
Technology in Teaching and Learning
Artificial Intelligence in Education
Emerging Technologies in Education
Simulation and Immersive Technologies
Virtual and Augmented Reality
ICERI is an annual event whose aim is to provide a platform for lecturers and to share valuable research and information about education, pedagogical technologies, and educational innovations. This year, participants from over 80 countries took part in networking activities, plenary sessions, parallel thematic sessions and workshops.
The conference's aim was to stimulate learning and promote connection-making between attendees, and this was reflected in the conference program which gave participants a variety of activities to choose from. Keynote speeches were delivered by global educational experts.
The keynote presentations were live-streamed, recorded, and are publicly available at IATED Talks.
The ICERI2023 International Program Committee is composed of lecturers and researchers from all around the world. A blind peer review process was followed to guarantee the quality of the final publication. During this process, the following points were evaluated: the content, relevance to the field, general structure, clarity of contents, originality, relation to the conference topics and disciplines.
We would like to thank all of the programme committee members for their time and support. Their commitment and knowledge ensured that ICERI2023 was a valuable learning experience for all members who took part. All participants of the conference made a great effort to take part and their dedication will continue to make a positive impact on education.
Full name | Affiliation | Country |
Adriana Agnes Repellin-Moreno | Universidad Panamericana | MEXICO |
Aileen Cotter | Cork Institute of Technology | IRELAND |
Akihiro Maeda | Ryukoku University | JAPAN |
Alia Ammar | Drexel University | UNITED STATES |
Ana Paula Lopes | Polytechnic Institute of Oporto | PORTUGAL |
Anna Romagnuolo | University of Tuscia | ITALY |
Breno Deffanti | Graded - The American School of São Paulo | BRAZIL |
Catherine O'Donnell | Ulster University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Christopher Evans | Cardiff University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Craig Loewen | University of Lethbridge | CANADA |
Craig Walker | Oklahoma State Department of Education | UNITED STATES |
Cynthia Rosas Magallanes | Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) | MEXICO |
Daniel Abrahams | University of Arkansas - Fayetteville | UNITED STATES |
Darren Falconer | The University of Western Australia | AUSTRALIA |
David Jennings | University College Dublin | IRELAND |
Elmaziye Özgür | Eastern Mediterranean University | CYPRUS |
Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska | Jagiellonian University | POLAND |
Fedor Duzhin | Nanyang Technological University | SINGAPORE |
Fernando Enrique Ortiz Rodriguez | Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas | MEXICO |
Filomena Soares | Polytechnic of Porto | PORTUGAL |
Frank Brosow | University of Education Ludwigsburg | GERMANY |
Helmut Wöllik | Carinthia University of Applied Sciences | AUSTRIA |
Hiroyuki Obari | Aoyama Gakuin University | JAPAN |
Ineta Helmane | University of Latvia | LATVIA |
James Mackay | Otago Polytechnic | NEW ZEALAND |
Jaroslaw Kujawski | University of Gdansk | POLAND |
Joanna Richardson | City, University of London | UNITED KINGDOM |
João Monteiro | ISPGAYA - Instituto Superior Politécnico Gaya | PORTUGAL |
John Craft | Appalachian State University | UNITED STATES |
Joseph Agbenyega | Emirates College for Advanced Education | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES |
Kari Krell | MacEwan University | CANADA |
Kay Gallagher | Zayed University | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES |
Luis Roseiro | Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra | PORTUGAL |
Luke Raeside | Technological University Dublin | IRELAND |
Maria Rudneva | RUDN University (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia) | RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Martha Leal-Gonzalez | Institute of Innovation and Technology Transfer of Nuevo Leon | MEXICO |
Matome Mashiapata | University of South Africa | SOUTH AFRICA |
Mayaugust Finkenberg | Stevenson University | UNITED STATES |
Mike Hillis | California Lutheran University | UNITED STATES |
Orlando Belo | Universidade do Minho | PORTUGAL |
Paul Hunter | IMD, International Institute for Management Development | SWITZERLAND |
Peter Gabor | University of Calgary | CANADA |
Peter Haber | Salzburg University of Applied Sciences | AUSTRIA |
Pia Palotie | Eezy Tyollisyyspalvelut | FINLAND |
Rosa Cendros Araujo | Western University | CANADA |
Sinéad McCotter | University of York | UNITED KINGDOM |
Sylvia Dempsey | Cork Institute of Technology | IRELAND |
Taija Votkin | Aalto University | FINLAND |
Taketoshi Yokemura | Shibaura Institute of Technology | JAPAN |
Tammy Ladwig | University of Wisconsin Fox Valley | UNITED STATES |
Thomas Lavery | The Royal Academy of Engineering | UNITED KINGDOM |
Victoria Kompanets | Lappeenranta University of Technology | FINLAND |
Wendy Gorton | Educational consultant | UNITED STATES |
Full name | Affiliation | Country |
Abdelrahman Elhaj | Sultan Qaboos University | OMAN |
Aidan McGowan | Queen's University Belfast | UNITED KINGDOM |
Alexandra Pitt | Middlesex University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Alison Whelan | Newcastle University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Andrea Bencsik | J. Selye University | SLOVAKIA |
Anja Pfennig | HTW Berlin | GERMANY |
Anna Maria Kimberley | Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences | FINLAND |
Arthur Powell | Rutgers University | UNITED STATES |
Asif Ashiqali | St. Augustine College | UNITED STATES |
Astrid Camilla Wiig | University of South-Eastern Norway | NORWAY |
Bárbara Andrez | FLUP/CITCEM | PORTUGAL |
Bee-Yen Toh | Queen's University Belfast | UNITED KINGDOM |
Brendan Noonan | University College Cork | IRELAND |
Carla Peck | University of Alberta | CANADA |
Carlton Wood | Open University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Catherine O'Donnell | Ulster University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Christa Tigerstedt | ARCADA - University of Applied Sciences | FINLAND |
Christian Spletter | University of St. Gallen (HSG) | SWITZERLAND |
Christine Harrison | University of York | UNITED KINGDOM |
Christopher Keller | Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training (SFUVET) | SWITZERLAND |
Clare Resilla | Sam Houston State University | UNITED STATES |
Claudia Hess | IU International University of Applied Sciences | GERMANY |
Corinne Renguette | IUPUI - Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis | UNITED STATES |
Cristobal Cobo | Senior Education Specialist | CHILE |
Dainora Jankauskiene | Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences | LITHUANIA |
Dan Fitzpatrick | The AI Educator | UNITED KINGDOM |
David Cormier | University of Windsor | CANADA |
Deborah Bayntun-Lees | Hult International Business School | UNITED KINGDOM |
Debra Talbot | University of Sydney | AUSTRALIA |
Declan Qualter | University College Dublin | IRELAND |
Eleonora Origo | Middlesex University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Elisa Speziale | International School | ITALY |
Elizabeth Malone | Liverpool John Moores University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Emmett Tuite | Technological University of Dublin | IRELAND |
Gail Hopkins | University of Nottingham | UNITED KINGDOM |
Gianluca Carella | Politecnico di Milano | ITALY |
Hanna Haydar | Brooklyn College - City University of New York | UNITED STATES |
Irma Grdzelidze | Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University | GEORGIA |
Ivica Pesovski | Brainster Next College | MACEDONIA |
Jana Bérešová | Trnava University | SLOVAKIA |
Jean Ryoo | University of California, Los Angeles | UNITED STATES |
Jeffrey Jones | Western Michigan University | UNITED STATES |
Jennifer Lang-Rigal | James Madison University | UNITED STATES |
Jim Playfoot | White Loop Limited | UNITED KINGDOM |
Joy Hernandez | Old Dominion University | UNITED STATES |
Julianna Libro | The University of Sydney | AUSTRALIA |
Kristina Mullamaa | University of Tartu | ESTONIA |
Linda Bergkvist | Karlstad University | SWEDEN |
Louise Dillon Bennett | Armadillo Social | UNITED KINGDOM |
Lukáš Herout | Škoda Auto University | CZECH REPUBLIC |
Mairi Macintrye | University of Warwick | UNITED KINGDOM |
Mary Sandy | Virginia Space Grant Consortium | UNITED STATES |
Massimo Rossetti | Università Iuav di Venezia | ITALY |
Meisam Taheri | Inland Norway university | NORWAY |
Merel Piekaar | Delft University of Technology | NETHERLANDS |
Michael Herczeg | University of Lübeck | GERMANY |
Noah Spivak | Toronto Metropolitan University | CANADA |
Olga Firssova | Open University | NETHERLANDS |
Olga Ovtšarenko | TTK University of Applied Sciences | ESTONIA |
Olga Vindača | Rezekne Academy of Technologies | LATVIA |
Patricia Arnold | HM Hochshcule München University of Applied Sciences | GERMANY |
Paul Bray | SEND International | UNITED KINGDOM |
Peter Gorder | University of Colorado Colorado Springs | UNITED STATES |
Peter Mazohl | Europäische Bildungsinitiative | AUSTRIA |
Peter Tasi | Aston University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Pooja K. Agarwal | Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts | UNITED STATES |
Rebecca Robertson | California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt | UNITED STATES |
Rune Andersen | University of Agder | NORWAY |
Sandra Kucina Softic | University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre (SRCE) | CROATIA |
Sandra Schecter | York University | CANADA |
Sean Freeman | University of Bolton | UNITED KINGDOM |
Sebastian Kuntze | Ludwigsburg University of Education | GERMANY |
Shane Robinson | Oklahoma State University | UNITED STATES |
Sheryl Skaggs | The University of Texas at Dallas | UNITED STATES |
Shun (Jessica) Lau | University of Hertfordshire | UNITED KINGDOM |
Sigrid Schefer-Wenzl | University of Applied Sciences Campus Vienna | AUSTRIA |
Simon Pratt-Adams | Anglia Ruskin University | UNITED KINGDOM |
Sofia Ribeiro | University of Aveiro | PORTUGAL |
Stephen McKinnell | University of Liverpool | UNITED KINGDOM |
Susanna Fabricius | ARCADA - University of Applied Sciences | FINLAND |
Sylvia Moes | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | NETHERLANDS |
Thomas Lavery | Royal Academy of Engineering | UNITED KINGDOM |
Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa | Harvard University Extension School | UNITED STATES |
Tracy Nicholson | University of Richmond | UNITED STATES |
Valerie Priscilla Goby | Zayed University | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES |
Vivian Shen | Davidson College | UNITED STATES |
Wendy Gorton | Educational consultant | UNITED STATES |