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A Write Space
Event: ICERI2022
Session time: Tuesday, 8th of November from 12:15 to 13:45 (UTC+01:00)
Session type: INTERACTIVE
Room: Interactive
Session chair: Mairi Macintyre. University of Warwick (UNITED KINGDOM)

ICERI is an incredible opportunity to Network and share with international leaders in education, theory and practice. It can be so stimulating for new ideas and directions. We are all busy people and it takes time to harness the opportunities, time that is in constant demand from elsewhere. This workshop makes that time, so why not use this time to write that email to someone you have met in this conference? Reflect and write up an idea for further research? Reflect and capture how you may change your own practice from you have seen at ICERI2022?

Benefits: Intentionally making time to capture sparks of ideas, connections and opportunities for your own interests. Time to write it down.

Format: Based on ‘A Write Space’ which was piloted successfully with University of Warwick 6th May – 10th June 2021. This successful pilot has led to the establishment of a rolling programme with a dedicated webpage, hosted by University of Warwick’s Organisational Development. The ‘Write Space’ network has expanded, and with Kate and Mairi’s support and materials, writing groups have been set up at Henley Business School, Reading University, UK, University of the Free State (UFS), South Africa, Saint Leo University, Florida, USA.

This workshop will be run as follows:
- 15mins Statement of intent
- 25mins Pomodoro
- 05mins Rest and refocus - quick catch up
- 25mins Pomodoro
- 15mins Cuppa and theme discussion
- 25mins Pomodoro
- 10mins Regroup and review
Facilitation Guides will be made available for all attendees.


  • Mairi Macintyre is an Associate Professor at the University of Warwick with a focus on Design; Product Service and Experience. She is passionate about design and education and have initiated and established a wide range of successful projects. She is experienced at and enjoys bridging existing gaps between research, education and industry. Mairi was lead co-editor of the Springer 2011 book 'Service Design and Delivery' which explores strategies used in the design and management of services across various sectors and boasts contributions from some of the world’s thought leaders in this space. The book remains as one of this series’ best sellers with over 50,000 downloads. She is skilled at bringing parties together by developing a shared vision of transformation for positive societal impact.

  • Kate Mawson is an Associate Professor at the University of Warwick. Kate has significant teaching experience across a range of institutions. During her career Kate has been continually involved in teacher education, with reflection and learning technology forming a large part of Kate's early work for which she gained a PGA in Technology Enhanced Learning with Distinction. Kate is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and has won the prestigious WATE Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence.