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Reimagining School After the Pandemic: Evaluation, Time, and Tools
Event: ICERI2022
Session time: Tuesday, 8th of November from 10:30 to 12:00 (UTC+01:00)
Session type: INTERACTIVE
Room: Interactive
Session chair: Tracey Tokuhama Espinosa. Harvard University Extension School (UNITED STATES)

Many aspects of education were questioned during the pandemic. Three areas which will likely change forever include standardized testing, the reconsideration of time and space in formal educational settings, and the tools we use to support learning. This session will frame key questions, suggest potential changes in the educational landscape, and discuss the current watershed moment in history in which we are living. Participants will be invited to debate the benefits drawbacks to abandoning standardized testing (in favor or what?), planning schooling around asynchronous and synchronous assignments (rather than on time), and reimagine how “bundles” or mini-libraries of digital educational tools may soon replace textbooks.