Special sessions are for authors who wish to dedicate an entire session to one specific project or theme. 4 or more authors can go into more depth about their work and discuss their projects with the audience. Special sessions should be stimulating and intriguing for attendees.
If you and your co-authors are interested in this option, don’t hesitate to send us your special session proposal. You can find instructions and contact details below. Just like for other abstracts, the deadline for submission is EXTENDED: March 27th, 2025.
First, submit the abstracts related to the session via the myIATED submission platform before the abstract deadline: EXTENDED: March 27th, 2025. Between 4 and 6 abstracts should be included in the session.
Then, please send the following information to edulearn25@iated.org before EXTENDED: March 27th, 2025:
After having received your session proposal, it will be evaluated, and you will receive an acceptance/rejection notification by email on April 10th, 2025.
The following points will be taken into consideration when reviewing your session proposal:
Please note that after your session has been accepted, authors contributing to a special session should submit their final paper using the standard procedure of the online application form.
In order to confirm your session's slot in the conference program, any author taking part should confirm their attendance and complete registration before May 8th (author registration deadline). A minimum of 4 authors per special session must register. If authors are not registered by the deadline, the session will not be included in the Conference Program.
One of the organisers of the special session is expected to chair their session.