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Education and the museum: a challenge to be met
Session time: Tuesday, 4th of July from 15:00 to 16:45 (UTC+02:00)
Session type: INTERACTIVE
Room: Interactive
Session chair: Maria Luisa Spreafico. Università degli Studi di Milano (ITALY)

Have you ever had an extremely interesting guided tour and realized that the next day you remember very little of what was explained to you? While this is completely natural, since so much information was given during the visit, it also makes the visit experience less effective.

If the guided tour is then proposed to students, the situation is even worse, as most of them tend to become distracted and take in only a fraction of the information they are given.

It is possible to prevent this from happening by proposing at the end of the visit a workshop-like activity that picks up and integrates the content described, helping the students to fix ideas and remember them over time.

In this workshop we will show how this was done in two different settings (a botanical garden and a small art museum), where playful educational paths (involving math, origami and games) were designed to support and complement the visit not only for school groups but also for a general public.

This session will be led by Maria Luisa Spreafico and Paola Morando (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy).