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How Neuroscience Is Changing What We Know about Learning: Practical Insights for Instructors
Event: INTED2019
Session time: Monday, 11th of March from 15:00 to 16:45 (UTC+01:00)
Session type: INTERACTIVE
Room: Interactive

After her keynote speech, Barbara Oakley will provide more information and details about her practical insights for instructors.

Instructors often have a feel for what they’re supposed to be teaching in the classroom. But they often don’t know why. This keynote will provide practical insights, using recent light microscopy imagery and neural animations, about how the brain learns. By seeing the restrictions of working memory, you’ll gain a better idea of how to structure teaching to avoid student cognitive overload. And by understanding the changes that good teaching can make in students’ brains, you’ll gain a better idea of how to help students neurally encode information, concepts, and techniques into long-long term memory—the essence of learning.

Barbara Oakley is the instructor of the world’s most popular massive open online course, Learning How to Learn, as well as other popular courses for Coursera-UCSD-McMaster.