M.A. Martínez, I. Ares, E. Ramos, M. Martínez, V. Caballero
Veterinary Faculty. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (SPAIN)
Recently, there is an effort to give a new turn in university teaching. The objectives of the European Convergence Plan make special emphasis on transferring the point of attention from the professor teaching process to the student learning process. The common lectures are not to be worthless, but they must not be an exclusive way to teach. New techniques and technologies must improve the lectures, promoting several strategies of self-learning for the students. In the university framework, the learning-teaching processes must develop the capacity to analyze and summarize the information, and also the application of the theoretical knowledge formulating precise and coherent questions. In order to develop the learning as well as stimulate the critical capacity, the management of information through specific manuals and articles from scientific journals is important. For this reason, there should be permanent dialogue between professors and students.

The educative situation in Spanish universities could create difficulties to start the European Convergence Plan, mainly due to the number of students per academic course, lack of attendance and active participation of the students in the classes, the increase of the work for the teaching staff and even some professors are not confident in developing these new strategies at the time. All these problems can be corrected offering the students a combined system of learning based on examinations and works, stimulating the participation of the students by means of easy activities like questions on the subject explained in the previous lesson, seminaries, exhibitions, etc. Also, increasing background of the professor and acquiring a greater control of new teaching techniques could also improve the capacity of student learning. It is clear that with these new teaching methods, the time invested by the student will be increased for the update of knowledge along all the academic period.

An important tool to practice educative advances is “tutorial lectures” which have the objective to inform, train, help and guide to the students in the learning process. The “tutorial lectures” must be properly organized by the professor therefore the teaching-learning process is developed on a planed, systematic and quality way. The “tutorial lectures” must be understood as a part of the academic responsibility that consists on creating a more personal relationship between the professor and the student, so that each student can reach the higher level of academic training. The “tutorial lectures” would improve if the number of students per group was smaller; the tutorial lectures promote the communication between professors and students. The new teaching methodology involves a good theoretical and practical knowledge of the interpersonal relations, direction and animation of groups. The tutor must know and analyze the keys that have positive or negative effects on the evolution and responsibility of the group, improving the relationship between the students. The tutorial function must also include individualized plans and continuous assessment of the student. It is also interesting to improve the dynamics and the techniques of group, taking into account several strategies of communication which can help to get better relationships, with empathy and active listening.