G.E. Peralta-Peñuñuri, M.L. Barrón Estrada, R. Zatarain Cabada
Currently young people use technology to develop multiple activities. Using technology for learning can be a determining factor in the development of professional competencies.Frequently, students consult resources on the Internet to do school assignments or delve into some topic of interest. Learning to program is a challenge for university students in the area of computer science, and there are high failure rates in courses related to program development.
This paper presents the results obtained from a conceptual test that uses a combination of video-based learning and computer notebooks to support the development of programs in the Java programming language. The results obtained indicate that students consider positive the use of these tools for learning programming and that they have an impact on the development of logic and computational thinking. In the conceptual test, 69 students from the TecNM campus Culiacán participated, obtaining results that indicate the feasibility of developing a learning tool that combines a computational notebook with a set of videos for writing and executing Java code. This combination of elements allows students to learn to develop programs in a more efficient, dynamic and effective way.
Keywords: Video-based learning, notebooks, programming.