O. Kitikar (Naboka)1, A. Polevaia-Secareanu2, I. Derkachenko1, A. Cotorcea2
1 Shevchenko Transnistria State University (MOLDOVA)
2 Institute of Physical Education and Sport State University of Moldova (MOLDOVA)
The modern model of inclusive education in Moldova is based on the principles of adaptation of children with disabilities. However, changes in living conditions in the global digital world have caused a number of problems in their integration into different spheres of life. One of these problems is the difficulty in building an individual life path, the formation of functional literacy, taking into account the needs and capabilities of such children.

Statement of the problem: In the modern system of adaptive physical education, various teaching models have been developed. This type of modeling is implemented through forms of extracurricular and additional education. The mechanisms and means of adaptive physical education do not correspond to the new parameters of the digital society and the requirements of inclusive education. The problem is the low efficiency of the pedagogical technologies used in the field of adaptive physical education for the implementation of inclusive education.

Research methods and source base: targeted observation, comparison, systematization and generalization. Various pedagogical technologies have been studied and an analysis of the use of STEAM technology in the field of adaptive physical education has been carried out. Integrative components of STEAM technologies were introduced into the process of adaptive physical education in correctional educational institution No. 44 in Tiraspol (Republic of Moldova).

Results and discussion: The main elements of 5 models of inclusive STEAM schools were analyzed. It was found that the structure and content of their work includes general goals and strategies, such as: a personalized approach, problem-based learning, building an individual educational route and their own points of growth, school community and networking, expanding active sensory, cognitive and communicative experience. Changing methodological approaches to physical education, taking into account inclusion, requires special methodological and pedagogical approaches to creating a special educational environment, to taking into account the capabilities and interests of each child, which affects the transformation of the pedagogical process.

The category and structure of soft skills and functional literacy of students in the field of physical education are considered. The use of STEAM technologies in inclusive physical education involves the integration of variable and traditional environments, taking into account the capabilities of the digital educational space.

The effectiveness of creating a STEAM laboratory in correctional educational institutions is shown.

Conclusion: it was concluded that the use of STEAM technologies in inclusive physical education has great potential associated with expanding the possibility of social adaptation, developing the abilities and communication skills of children with disabilities.

Keywords: STEAM – technology, inclusion, inclusive physical education, flexible skills, correctional educational institution, children with disabilities.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Multiculturality & Inclusion
Session: Special Educational Needs
Session type: VIRTUAL