C. De-Pablos-Heredero, M.A. Morales-Moya, M.R. Pacheco-Olivares, M. Santos-Cebrián, C. Carrasco-Garrido, R. Flores-Jimeno
Rey Juan Carlos University (SPAIN)
This paper shows the stages to analyze the impact of the communication and relationship routines established amongst students, faculty and administrative staff on the final satisfaction of URJC students in undergraduate, master's and doctoral studies. For this purpose, we propose to apply the relational coordination model, designing a questionnaire adapted to collect data from representative samples of students and apply different multivariate techniques, as well as SEM models to validate the following hypotheses: H1. Shared objectives among the different agents involved in the teaching-learning process increase student satisfaction, H2. Shared knowledge among the different agents involved in the teaching-learning process increases student satisfaction, H3. Mutual respect among the different agents involved in the teaching-learning process increases student satisfaction, H4. Frequent, timely, accurate and problem-oriented communication increases student satisfaction, H5. Quality relationships and communications increase student satisfaction. 5 lecturers with previous experience in the RC model in the educational environment, 3 students from different educational levels, bachelor, master and doctorate, and 4 administrative and service staff members take part in the different stages of the project. The results of this project can be useful to build organizational models that have a positive impact on our students. Knowing the variables with the greatest discriminating power, it is possible to propose concrete, simple and economic measures to improve student satisfaction at Universities. This project will also help to understand the importance of deploying styles of care and quality training appropriate to each student profile and to promote more efficient and innovative methods of relationships and communications.

Keywords: Education project, evaluation, satisfaction, students, communication, relationships.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Teacher Training & Ed. Management
Session: Educational Management
Session type: VIRTUAL