M. Moldovan, S.C. Borș, A.M. Oprică, O.A. Filip
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (ROMANIA)
Currently, in the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism curriculum, there is no course dedicated to architectural photography, even though this is a common practice elsewhere. There are courses on perspective and representation techniques, but there is no course dedicated specifically to it. Of course, this can be considered a niche subject, but in this period in which almost everything we do, produce or experiment is consumed, promoted or experienced through images, architectural education cannot be left behind. Thus, students can learn techniques and methods to use photography in the process of learning architecture. We tried to facilitate such a framework for students by reactivating in 2024 a student photography circle that was active in our faculty for a short period between 2016 and 2018. Therefore, we created through this circle, a working group formed by students passionate about photography, who through various themes were challenged to use photography as a tool in documenting the built environment, in exploring architectural and spatial topics to understand the spaces, proportions and materialities with which they work. The activity of the circle had materialized through discussions, assisted photography excursions, participation in conferences and presentations, an international experience in the form of a BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) and even photographing an architecture festival that took place between 31.10 and 03.11.2024 in Cluj-Napoca, organized by our Faculty together with the Chamber of Architects of Romania.

Through this paper, we propose a study or an applied reflection on the use of photography as a tool in the process of learning in architecture, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of experimenting with a student circle, practically an extracurricular activity, but with a major impact on the faculty curriculum. If considered relevant, this specific activity may even become a subject part of the curriculum of the architectural education of our University in the near future.

Keywords: Architectural photography, learning tools, education, extracurricular activity.

Event: INTED2025
Session: Pedagogical Innovations in Education
Session time: Monday, 3rd of March from 11:00 to 13:45
Session type: POSTER