M.S. Rogers
University of South Wales (UNITED KINGDOM)
This exploratory research paper embraces the concept that an individual's cognitive reserve (Meng and D’Arcy, 2012) may be enriched through Social Prescribing (Newstead, and Wallace, 2023), namely Art-on-Prescription for health and well-being. It’s all about creativity in lifelong learning (Goodwill and Chen, 2021). The author contends that creativity in lifelong learning can enhance a person's Cognitive Reserve (CR) i.e. the brain's ability to improvise and find alternative ways of completing tasks, which helps to compensate for age-related brain changes and potential damage. Engaging in creative activities, e.g. learning new skills, or enjoying arts and crafts, can stimulate the brain, promoting mental agility, Brain plasticity, or neuroplasticity, is the capability of the brain to change, adapt and reorganize itself in response to learning, experience, or injury. These activities help build CR through flexible thinking, problem-solving, using different neural pathways. Moreover, lifelong learning and creativity are linked to better cognitive function playing a vital role in maintaining brain health and preventing cognitive decline. Research has shown that lifelong learning can slow the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s and dementia, When challenging the brain with new and creative tasks, individuals can maintain and even improve their cognitive abilities as they age. Dr. Rogers (2023) contends that SP Art-on-Prescription (AoP) in Wales has the capacity to support the Health of the Nation (NFfSP Wales).

Her research implementing a mixed-methods methodology, where qualitative data is quantified, uses the method of Group Concept Mapping (GCM) applying GroupWisdomTM software, Four online activities (i) Brainstorming (ii) Sorting (iii) Rating and (iv) Analysing are implemented.The software utilizes “Brainstorming”, to gather Data from sample populations drawn from Members of WSSPR, All Wales Social Prescribing Research Network, (WSPRN), including arts professionals, general practitioners and primary care workers in the community among others. The Research Purpose primarily is to establish those Critical Success Factors (CSFs) that enable the sustainability of Art-On-Prescription (AoP) for social well-being in Wales. Hence the focus prompt “. . .A Critical Success Factor for the sustainability of Social Prescribing Art-on-Prescription in Wales is. . .? resulting in 191 statements from initially 81 assigned research participants. These were organised into 125 statements by the Project Advisory Group (“critical friends”) for the Sorting Activity, by 90 assigned participants. Furthermore, 40 research participants completed the Rating activity on two items (i) Importance and (ii) degree of effectiveness for sustainability of Social Prescribing Art-on-Prescription in Wales. The GroupWisdomTM software analysis showed several cluster maps, selected from different areas of the sample population whereby statements are placed into specific clusters automatically. Additionally, a graph composed of the Ratings on a scale 1 (least) – 5 (most) on (i) degree of effectiveness for sustainability shown on x-axis and (i) importance of statements shown on y-axis plots an area known as the Go-Zone that is beginning to reveal interesting results. Dr Rogers is indebted to her Director of Studies Professor Carolyn Wallace (Director of WSSPR) and the Academic Supervisory Team (AST) Professor Steven Smith (SS) and Dr Sarah Wallace for their guidance and advice.

Keywords: Social prescribing, lifelong learning, cognitive reserve, art-on-prescription, social well-being, critical success factors, brainstorming, focus prompt, mixed methods methodology, group concept mapping.

Event: INTED2025
Session: Soft & 21st Century Skills
Session time: Monday, 3rd of March from 15:00 to 16:45
Session type: ORAL