A. Jankowicz-Szymańska, K. Wódka, A. Grochowska, A. Stefanowicz-Kocoł
University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow (POLAND)
Physiotherapists are trained to diagnose and non-invasively treat musculoskeletal system diseases, recover from injuries, prevent loss of physical fitness, and pre-serving well-being into old age. An important element of the physiotherapists' work is communication with patients and ensuring their optimal functioning in society. One of the ways to prepare students for the profession is to learn by doing. Research and teaching staff at the University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow (Poland) have prepared a program that combines the study of diagnosis and prevention of postural defects with the development of soft skills to improve the local community’s well-being.

The inspiration for starting the project came from two observations:
(1) Postural abnormalities are common and lead to pain, degenerative changes, and deterioration of quality of life (the problem becomes more serious and troublesome with age). Young people, even if they experience musculoskeletal pain resulting from poor posture, rarely seek help from a physiotherapist and if they do, they usually perform the recommended therapy only until it subsides, and they do not make enough effort to change their body posture habit.;
(2) Demographic (aging society) and cultural changes (limiting direct social contacts in favour of a virtual environment, including distance learning and work) mean that more and more people feel lonely and isolated from society, which results in low levels of mental functioning and reduced quality of life. Experiences related to isolation due to Covid-19 also played a significant role.

In Western Europe, there are fewer and fewer multi-generational households, which results in young people not being able to communicate with older people and not seeking such contact anymore. With the involvement of physiotherapy students, activities were undertaken to sensitize young people to the needs of the elderly, to arouse empathy, but also to become more involved in taking care of postural hygiene and preventing postural defects. On this occasion, students practiced skills that they will use in their professional work. A screening examination of body posture was carried out on high school youth (testing the habitual standing position), body posture awareness was assessed (using a validated questionnaire with scientifically proven reliability); educational workshops were conducted on the importance of proper body weight, proper posture and physical activity for health and maintaining fitness (short lectures illustrated with a presentation/film, discussions, practical classes), young people were allowed to experience limitations related to age to develop sensitivity to the problems of the elderly (using an old age simulator ). The most important part of the project was a meeting of high school students and older people for an intergenerational exchange of experiences (discussion, opportunity to share opinions, expressing needs, integrating activities). We believe that this project will benefit students who will train professional and soft skills, as well as both communities involved. Young people should gain sensitivity to the needs of older people and openness to relationships with them, and older people will be less lonely and less intimidated to ask for help in situations and activities that are difficult for them. The project can be continued by regular meetings of people from different generations of the Tarnów community, which will integrate the local society.

Keywords: Learning by doing, intergenerational dialogue, youth, elderly, psychophysical well-being.

Event: INTED2025
Session: Challenges in Education and Research
Session time: Monday, 3rd of March from 15:00 to 18:30
Session type: POSTER