C. Terron-Santiago, A. Sapena-Bano, S. Delfa-Baena, J. Burriel-Valencia
This contribution describes the change in methodology introduced in their learning of the Electrical Technology subject in the Industrial Technologies Engineering Degree at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
The scope of the action focused on improving students’ competences in the design of low-voltage electrical installations and make teacher’s evaluation work more efficient using a new software developed by the authors for scaling the application of Project-Based Learning.
This software is an automatic generator, focused on generating project variants to solve sizing of electrical installations. All projects generated by the software are unique, adjusted according to the expected learning curve, and also with a self-assessment function so that students can practice and learn by correcting their mistakes. It is a simple-to-use program, accessible to any teacher or student, that consumes very few resources and is configurable enough to adapt to the needs of each teacher and to changes in regulations.
The project was defined as a low-voltage installation analysis and design project where students must analyze and concrete the suitable design of electrical distribution lines and lighting systems as well as selecting the protection elements and systems for the safety of users and the installations itself.
Practical aspects are addressed, which is essential for working with this kind of installations, but also the concepts on which these kinds of installations are based, so everything studied can be extrapolated to other types of installations and voltage levels, proving students with the tools to adapt quickly to any technological and regulatory changes that may arise.
Finally, the implementation of the software proposed has been significant for the improvement of students’ outcomes attainment level, student responsibility in their self-learning, problem-solving skills and the student motivation. It also facilitates the teacher's work in evaluating the large number of students taking the course. However, this change in the methodology may raise some drawbacks such as the perception of an increased workload for both students and teachers.
Keywords: Project-Based Learning, Software, Generator, Electrical Technology.