J. Bondicz, M.L. dos Santos Borges, A. Caregnato, M. InĂ¡cio, R.A. Marques, C.A. Costa, S.R. Machado da Silva
The Embarca Aí project, developed by the Instituto Crescer Movimento Cidadania e Juventude in partnership with the Portonave Institute, was carried out between March and September 2024, and qualified 80 (eighty) young people aged between 15 and 18, for access to the world of work.
With more than 21 years of experience, Instituto Crescer is a non-profit Social Assistance institution that works to develop projects and programs aimed at professional qualification for adolescents and young people in order to enable their inclusion in the World of Work and the beginning of building their professional careers.
For 10 years, Instituto Portonave has been driving the sustainable development of the communities in which the company operates, and supporting the positive transformation of territories with a focus on reducing social inequalities (SDG 10). In the first half of this year, 20 social actions and projects were carried out and encouraged by the Institute.
The Embarca Aí Project aimed to qualify, through the development of skills and competencies, adolescents and young people for the world of work and for life, through professional guidance workshops, based on innovative and creative methodologies, in order to that project participants find support and favorable conditions to develop as citizens and to qualify for the world of work.
The teaching and learning process is centered on young people, adapted to the demands of a world in constant change in order to favor the development of autonomy and creativity, through activities that enable the development of youth protagonism, provoking a construction that goes beyond the accumulation of knowledge, aiming at the integral development of young people and enabling them to become protagonists in building their careers.
The project included theoretical and practical activities structured based on the triad: Complexity, Transdisciplinarity and Ecotraining, assumptions of the International Network of Creative Schools (RIEC), of which Instituto Crescer has been part since 2019.
The project activities were carried out from Monday to Friday from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm in the classrooms and laboratories of SINERGIA and CEU das ARTES, partner institutions in the development of the project.
The young people went through a structured learning path based on the following knowledge axes: Oral and Written Communication, World of Work, Technologies and Personal Development and Employability.
Young people had the opportunity to learn about the activities of various departments at Portonave, in face-to-face mentoring at the company, such as commercial (Export and Import), Accounting, Finance, Legal, Environment, Human Resources, Information Technology (Infrastructure) and IT Integrated Management (SGI), which provided a broad view of the job market in the segment. They also watched the work of the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil in the customs area, including with the sniffer dogs.
The project also included fortnightly mentoring sessions, which aimed to enable young people to learn about the day-to-day lives of the company's professionals and the most varied areas of activity.
After completing the project, young people were sent to the world of work to partner companies of Instituto Crescer for internship or young apprentice opportunities. And some young people were also selected by the company Portonave as young apprentices.
Keywords: Professional qualification, world of work, young people.