C. Rudloff1, A. Kapsalis2, C. Gesierich1, A. Efstathiades1
FOOTT PRINTTS, standing for 'Focus on Teacher Training - Practical Guidelines for In-Service Teacher Trainers', is a EU funded Erasmus+ cooperation partnership with 7 countries focussing on teacher training across Europe. The Arnsberg District Government brings together teacher training institutions and organisations to establish a holistic quality approach in national and international teacher training (CPD). With global issues like teacher shortage and drop-out of teachers the importance of in-service teacher training has become increasingly prominent.
We focus on in-service teacher trainers and the organisational structure of teacher training to combine research-based results and in-practice needs in CPD. Our goal is to ensure international understanding and agreement on quality standards of teacher CPD. This includes the identification of proven methods and structures, the development of a comprehensive and easy access orientation framework concentrating on practical realisation and the exchange of successful strategies.
Therefore, we consider the following key milestones:
1. Theory and Literature Review: Establishment of hypotheses and indicators for quantitative analysis.
2. Sequential Mixed Methods Data Collection: Quantitative and qualitative data collection in all participating countries.
3. Framework: Development of a framework for teacher trainers based on the research.
4. Practical guidelines: Interactive, adaptable and ready-to-use input within the framework modules for teacher training.
5. Peer-Learning and Networking: conference and other events to peer review, disseminate and further develop the tool to be sustainable.
This process ensures applicability in diverse contexts across participating countries. We are also supported by pan-European education associations and the Commission in order to create an interactive platform that not only ofers support to teacher trainers, but also provides guidance on how to improve the quality of teacher training. With the initiation of a network for teacher trainers we also enforce peer to peer learning and hence support the development of key competences for teacher trainers across Europe.
Keywords: Teacher Education, Professional Development, Quality of Teaching.