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BreakoutEDU, VR, and Game-Based Education
Event: INTED2020
Session time: Tuesday, 3rd of March from 10:30 to 12:00 (UTC+01:00)
Session type: INTERACTIVE
Room: Interactive
Session chair: Wendy Gorton. EdTechTeam (UNITED STATES)

Let's get virtual -- this open-ended session invites you to explore popular gamification tools like Breakout EDU and virtual reality apps using Google Cardboard and Google Daydream and well as an Oculus Go demo and MergeCube Augmented Reality. Explore popular applications and what the future of virtual reality will look like for education. Google Cardboard virtual reality viewers for the first 25 attendees, and MergeCube giveaways!

Note: Participants should bring their own laptops.