D. Gooris, C. Diaz
Oracle Academy (SPAIN)
It’s clear to everyone that the tech industry is booming. The technology sector is hot and getting hotter, but some specific skill sets are needed more than others. More than five million jobs in information technology are expected to be added globally by 2027. Trying to determine the ideal IT study path for your students for the jobs in the future? Do you want to know which computer science jobs will be in the greatest demand, offer the highest salaries and best opportunities for advancement once your students have graduated? Did you know that in 2035, 52% of the jobs are unknown today? How can you prepare your students to ensure they are ready for the future?

You probably already have heard about the huge ICT skills gap all over the world. More and more companies are in need of ICT skilled people, which is leading to the race 4 talent. What can we do to bridge that gap?

On the other hand, research shows us that the unemployment is rising again, especially the youth unemployment. How can you as a teacher or professor contribute to fight this mismatch of skills. Join us in this webinar “Oracle Academy are you ready for the future”, where we’ll first have a look in history, before we will be looking to see what will be hot in the next decade or two. Are you ready?

Keywords: Technology, ICT, Oracle, students.