H. Osieja
Educational Researcher (SWEDEN)
The migration policy introduced in Sweden by the Social Democratic party in the 1980s has radically changed the Swedish society from being a small nation with a homogeneous population with clearly defined values to a country characterized by spatial segregation, social exclusion and gang violence. Instead of the “multicultural paradise” envisioned by the Social Democrats, in which totally different cultures could live in tolerance and harmony, the result has been a country of parallel societies. The project of multiculturalism has hit schools in a very negative way: The academic results have deteriorated markedly, reflecting the segregation which has become typical of Sweden. Moreover, schools have been assigned new tasks, like preventing forced marriages and honour killings, making sure that small immigrant girls are not subjected to female genital mutilation and preventing radicalization of youth who do not have a clear national identity.

Aim of this paper:
The aims of this study are:
1. to prove how multiculturalism has failed both as a migration policy as well as an educational experiment in Sweden;
2. To show how independently of how many extra economic resources are poured into schools, results will not improve if the policy of multiculturalism is not revised, and to propose possible solutions to the great challenges facing education in Sweden, even if this means leaving political correctness by side. Although it is beyond the aims of this paper to suggest a radical change in migration policy, the effects of it must be addressed since migration policy has a great impact on education.

Both qualitative and quantitative research methods will be employed: School results in different municipalities will be compared and analysed according to the ethnic composition of these. The amount of economic resources poured into schools earmarked for purposes other than academic and the results produced by these investments will be analysed. Qualitative research methods will include, but will not be limited to, interviews with the teachers who have left their jobs as well as articles and interviews about dissatisfied parents who have decided to disobey Swedish law by home schooling their children. Finally, the results will be presented as well as recommendations.

Keywords: Migration, multiculturalism, integration, assimilation, segregation, compulsory education.