U. Chikte
Deaprtment of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences,University of Stellenbosch (SOUTH AFRICA)
The Division of Nursing at Stellenbosch University offers a range of postgraduate programmes via the use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies). A blended “brick and click” approach is followed which includes face-to-face activities, text based and electronic materials, WebCT as web-based learning management systems and activities on the Interactive Telematic Education satellite-based platform.
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the study guides used in distance based education for postgraduate nurses in South Africa. The objectives were (i) identify and map out criteria regarding recent trends in the presenting of study material and programme in distance education (ii) evaluate the layout and content of the study guides provided by the tertiary institution (iii) Explore and describe the learners perceptions of the study guides utilized within the distance education programmes (iv) explore and describe the lecturers perceptions of the study guides used in distance education programmes.
From the literature review and instruments checklist was designed to assess 18 study guides and questionnaires were constructed for distribution to learners and lecturers.
The investigation led to the following suggestions which are summarized: (i) consideration be given to an outcomes-based approach as very few study guides embraced this (ii) consideration be given to user friendliness and information to the student (iii) more creative thinking and practice oriented exercises should be included as well as anecdotes to stimulate thoughts (iv) tutorial letters that can be replaced every year should accompany study guides. These tutorial letters should contain all the information to guide the student towards studying through the medium of distance education, the contact information of the university and the lecturer as well as assignments and other information that could change from year to year (v) more recent sources as well as new and more dated prescribed literature be provided (vi) to eliminate discrepancies in the quality, nature and scope of study guides that are made available to learners, distinctions need to be made whether students are studying through distance learning or not (vii) The study guides must be aligned with a curriculum compiled by the Department based on the quality assurance requirements, each programme should provide an indication where the specific subject features in a comprehensive overall programme, revise and standardize internal policy with regard to study guides, study material, assessment policies, plagiarism and possibly the inclusion of a tutorial letter (viii) Develop guidelines as well as initiating formative assessment for compiling study guides through peers.
In general the perceptions of learners with regard to the study guides were not as positive as that of the lecturers.