J. Diaz de la Cruz, A. Sanchez Perez, A. Ponce
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (SPAIN)
In order to encourage students to play a more participative role in the classroom, we have developed software both for mobile phones and laptop computers which makes it possible for the teacher to readily record student responses to questions. Results are stored on the computer hard disk and contain identification of the Bluetooth device, student user names and numerical or string answers typed on the mobile phone and sent via Bluetooth to the laptop. Several real time graphic charts can be displayed while the server collects the data and may be projected onto a screen in the classroom.

The server side software keeps record of every connection, grades it (when necessary) and keeps a live graphic bar chart on a window that reflects the results of the current activity

In order to make it work, the teacher must provide information to grade every question in the form.

On the client side, the user must download a Java application and install it on the cell phone, provided it supports the JSR-82 specification.

The user just has to open a java Midlet (the application) and fill out a form contanig a quiz.

By starting the submission, the phone begins to scan for any server nearby. When one is found, a choice screen appears containig the different possibilities offered by the server. Grading follows immediately and its result is fed instantly back to the student.

Then the form may be filled again and the student can re-submit the form and wait for new marks as many times as the teacher decides.