O. Mintas, I. Mintas
University of Oradea (ROMANIA)
Within the rational usage of the so-called “alternative” or “integrative” energy, the exploitation of the wind energy is surely of great importance. Particularly, a more considerable usage of wind-energy has many advantages both of technical nature (the safety of the energetic source in contrast with natural ecosystems with very low environmental impacts, having a possible high global efficiency, construction simplicity and the duration of the assembly), and of economical one (low financial investment, low maintenance and functioning costs). Although, globally, the energy of wind is in an advanced technological maturity, it can be stated that in Romania the heft of wind energy within the energetical balance, on the short term, is situated below the real possibilities of economical exploitation, because of the high price and administrative difficulties. These reasons have prevented so far the recycling energies from really competing with fossil fuels.