M. Sahin1, A. Vouyouka2, A. Mihai3, S. Yaldiz1, A. Dragomir3, I. Vouyouka2, H. Vouyouka2, F. Sperber2
1 Selcuk University, Technical Science College (TURKEY)
2 SITAM-AB’ School of Fashion and Applied Arts (GREECE)
3 Gh Asachi Technical University of Iasi (ROMANIA)
One of the concrete future strategic objectives in relation to education and training systems in the EU is improving their quality and effectiveness in a fast track world with greater demands than before in professions and skills. This includes improving the continuing education and training for teachers and trainers. That involves their development of skills for the knowledge society, ensuring access to ICT for everyone, increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies, and making the best use of resources. The second strategic objective is facilitating the access of all to education and training systems. This objective includes open learning environment, making learning more attractive, and supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion. Today's advanced computer and information network technology has revolutionized our teaching and learning methods. In accord with this development, the learning environment has also changed. In the report “Studies in the context of the E-learning Initiative: Virtual Models of European Universities” (Ramboll, 2004), a key concern was how virtual mobility is being supported in European universities through ICT integration and e-learning. The study found that the majority of universities face major challenges in promoting ICT integration. ICT strategy is very important and those universities that have an ICT strategy are significantly ahead in all strands of management and organisation. Integration of ICT and e-learning is politically important in the EU in terms of internationalisation and globalisation of education, student demand and interest in increasing the quality of education through ICT.
The aim of this paper is to present a “transfer of Innovation” project, which is a virtual environment set up to teach (1) how to construct basic garment blocks through an interactive step by step process using multimedia in one module, (2) how to manipulate basic blocks and construct all the designs in the CD,applying the same multimedia approach (3) to teach basic lay and cut principles and apply them to the garment styles, (4) to teach how to create new garment styles by applying the principles used in the garment styles. With these, the transferred modules will have great impact on the training methods based on educational technology. This approach has used every possible high technology media to apply all the peadagogic theoretical principles. This way it manages to attract attention & interest, to engage involvement and to succeed in quick absorbing of basic principles, through interesting repetitions and attractive analytical presentations.
Keywords: Textile, ICT, VET, Innovation, Transfer.