V. Grassa Miranda
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (SPAIN)
The pedagogical change that takes place to the occasion of the European Space for Higher Education, shows the serious methodological difficulties that is going through the grammar of descriptive geometry as a rational organization outside the interaction of perceptive 3D space. The weaknesses of this formulation is not only relate to the conceptual dependency of protocols rational projective organization, but primarily to the consequence of promoting a theoretical learning distant from the practical applications and design. The educational integration of 3D modeling technology opens new horizons to the subject-object interaction, focussing on the need to update an area that has remained faithful to the orthodoxy of mathematician Gaspart Monge (1746-1818) for over two centuries. In the Spanish educational context, continuity of education transmissive recipes has prevented, in many cases, an appropriate renewing transition towards computer 3D modeling and now even, from the selective access to college, emphasizes the orthodoxy of mongiana grammar as a structuring model of spatial thinking. The lack of consistency between the axiomatic scheme that articulates the projective codification and the processes of perception of spatial relationships is the main cause that makes this academic discipline a subject of the past. Faced with the transmissive teaching, the constructivist pedagogical paradigm stresses the importance of orienting learning towards practical skills. This research suggests encourage perceptive interaction as an alternative from which to structure the spatial thinking facilitating the acquisition of skills to establish concepts and relationships in the representation of spatial configuration.