M. Sahin1, A. Mihai2, S. Yaldiz1, A. Dragomir2, N. Bilalis3, E. Maravelakis4
1 Selcuk University, Technical Science College (TURKEY)
2 Gh Asachi Technical University of Iasi (ROMANIA)
3 Technical University of Crete (GREECE)
4 Technological Educational Institute of Crete (GREECE)
Recently virtual training has been regarded as an innovation notably for vocational training. There have appeared numerous virtual learning environments and various approaches and tools to this end. The focus of “virtual learning” is in fact on computer technology and education. The objective of this paper is to present a virtual training environment designed for shoe design training in the framework of EU LLP projects: Virtual Training Centre for Shoe Design (VTC-SHOE). The aim of the project is to implement shoe design training content (at elementary and intermediate level) into a virtually designed and served training centre, which is accessible over Internet, e-learning will be realised as an innovation in this field. Virtual Training Centre for Shoe Design will be set up on the Internet to supply training (at elementary and intermediate level) for shoe design. A virtual space, a shoe design training portal on the Internet which will allow the constant sharing of e-learning based shoe design training material so as to foster the further development of e-learning based shoe design educational contents will be created. The equipment, methods, curriculum and techniques currently used in shoe design training by partners will be observed, collected and evaluated. The selected materials will be used to create a new and efficient curriculum. This curriculum will be the core of target virtual training activity to form the curriculum (at elementary and intermediate level). According to this curriculum, an interactive teaching program will be developed and put into a website to form a virtual training centre.

Keywords: Virtual Training, Shoe Design, Virtual Environment.