C. Roldan, N. Ruiz Fuentes, M.V. Alba
University of Jaen (SPAIN)
The introduction of the information and communication technologies (ICT) in the teaching processes allow a new concept of student-user and changes in the teaching-learning model that lead us to a more flexible higher education teaching. Thus, the spatio-temporal framework where the student develops learning activities can be at home, the workplace or any place with appropriate resources (wireless technology services are available in many places).

In Management and Public Administration (MPA) we find a high number of students that work for the administration who signed on with the objective of improving at work. Frequently, those students can not attend daily classroom-teaching and statistics subjects mean a great effort for them.

The notes platform (NT) at the virtual campus offers dynamism and real-time updating, electronic copies of the teaching materials of the course, notes from the classes, tasks and solutions of seminars, activities and guidelines for them, electronic meetings, etc. Since 2004 we have been developing them in the virtual campus of the University of Jaén to facilitate the autonomous work of our students in our subjects. Furthermore, we have created Flash presentations to introduce the students to the use of statistic packages such as Statgraphics or Excel spreadsheets to solve problems as an alternative to the calculator. Thus the classroom-teaching is complemented, self-learning is allowed and has been made easier and the distances have been reduced to enjoy a comfortable, rapid and cheap communication between teachers and students.

The great interest of the students and the strong demand for the teaching materials, lead us to improve and innovate in Virtual Teaching to achieve effective learning environments and to improve the teacher-student interaction.

In this work we describe the work accomplished in the four projects developed by the authors to incorporate the ICT to the process of teaching for MPA, highlighting the aims of the last innovation project. The idea was to create applets JAVA for statistics practices and to incorporate them in the NT at the virtual campus. These templates let the students repeat standard exercises easily without the need for doing the volume of calculations and focus on the interpretation of the results that are very important for the clear comprehension of the subject. In addition, the JAVA Applets let them check the results of the suggested exercises at home or in the free access computer classrooms. How we have done them, their usefulness in self- learning and the results of the evaluation of our projects by questionnaires will be showed too.

Roldán, C.; Alba, M.V.; Ruiz-Fuentes, N. (2007). Incorporation of the ICT to the process of teaching Statistics and Statistic Sampling in Management and Public Administration for undergraduates. 8th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching.

This work has been partially supported by project PID41B, University of Jaén, Spain.
Event: ICERI2008
Session: Poster Session1. E-learning and Virtual Innovations
Session time: Tuesday, 18th of November from 08:15 to 13:30
Session type: POSTER