F. Cuartero1, JJ. Pardo1, J. Ruiz2, C. Quilez2
1 University of Castilla-la Mancha (SPAIN)
2 Secondary Education Institute Federico Garcia Lorca (SPAIN)
New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTICs) have nowadays given the opportunity to focus on activities difficult to study by another way. This is the case of astronomy topics, in which study, the practical experiments are very difficult, but computer simulations are, not only very easy to do, but even very stimulant. Thus, we apply NTICs in the field of astronomy, obtaining a promotion of students fully prepared in astronomy and computer abilities, in order to they could access to university scientific and technological studies, under optimum conditions.
Some teachers of the Secondary Education Institute “Federico Garcia Lorca”, in Albacete (Spain) and the Department of Computer Science at the University of Castilla-La Mancha defined a research cooperation project to apply a NTICs, and concretely a software tool, in a optative subject “Astronomy Workshop”. This project was developed in the Secondary School.
The main objectives we pretended with this project are the following:
1. To improve the knowledge of Earth and Universe in the students.
2. Applying the computer, multimedia systems and Internet in the learning process.
3. To disseminate the material generated to the rest of educational centers by using DVD and a Web page. This material could be also of interest to amateur astronomy.
4. The promotion of Celestia user associations in Spain, extending the outcome of this innovation project to other schools.
5. To evaluate the incidence of this innovative learning methodology in the natural sciences.
The tool we used is Celestia, a software not strictly designed as an educational tool, but however, with magnificent features and possibilities for be used in the classroom. In addition with its excellent possibilities, Celestia provides the fact of being free software, and thus, available and be freely used, with the attendant advantages for its massive use in academic activities that may be performed with very low cost. At the educational level of these possibilities, as far as we know, they have not yet experienced in Spain, although there is a big international experience, thus, it is a pioneering project for further development on a large scale.
The Celestia project, first planned for a duration of two years, is actually continuing its developing at the present time, creating new Celestia materials.
A summary of the achievements made during this time has been:
1. It has been increased the specific training in astronomy and computer science for science students.
2. It has been trained students in the use of Celestia, in its two parts, interactive features and programming possibilities.
3. The Institute has been included in the group of users of Celestia. At the same time, by means of the web, we are promoting the use of Celestia among Spanish-speaking people, because our project has become a reference in Spanish Celestia global community, until now, somewhat neglected.
4. There have been made dissemination activities in centers of primary and secondary education, and attended events of dissemination of science.
Among all of them, so unexpected, we stress that Celestia project has become a reference in Spanish Celestia worldwide, as they have shown in the steady increase of visitors received by the website of the Project.
In this paper, we present the actions followed and the results of this projects developed in the Secondary Education Institute “Federico Garcia Lorca”, in Albacete (Spain).