A. Freire1, M.P. Martín Pérez2, N. Cruz1, C. Vilela1, M.C. Pérez de Landazábal Expósito2, L. Sierra Ayala2
1 University of Lisbon, Reserch Centre on Education Faculty of Sciences (PORTUGAL)
2 University of Alcalà (SPAIN)
This communication aims at presenting some activities developed by the project European Science Teachers: Scientific Knowledge, Linguistic Skills and Digital Media (PEC, Profesorado Europeo de Ciencias: Conocimiento Científico, Destrezas Lingüísticas y Medios Digitales), a Socrates-Comenius project involving 7 universities: Comenius, Bratislava (Slovakia), Gävle (Sweden), Helsinki (Finland), Lisboa (Portugal), Leicester (United Kingdom) and Teknik, Karadeniz (Turkey).
The project team, conscious from research results, that common pupils’ science learning difficulties are due to less understanding and use of linguistic skills, wanted to conjugate the promotion of these abilities with the development of strategies of using the possibilities of digital media, namely of the internet, like web pages of science topics. So, the overall aims of the project are to develop Initial (Pre-Service) Science Teacher Education and design innovative activities emphasising reading and writing in science, promoting the development of linguistic and scientific skills through the use of web page. The activities can be used in science classes and may be transferred to other subjects, educational contexts and European countries.
These activities were conceptualized for the 8th and 10th grade (age 14-16) pupils and concerning topics within the different partners’ curricula, such as Sound, Energy, Chemical Reactions, Biotechnology, States of Matter, Evolution, Volcanism, ... . The activities have been designed to satisfy the following criteria: (i) pupils are involved in a wide variety of actions, (ii) web pages’ research is valued in two different ways, some times the pupils can begin with the web page’ exploration, another times, during the activity, they can consult the web page to get more information concerning the topic under study, (iii) the activities are design to improve scientific knowledge and promote comprehension and communication, writing and speaking skills (iv) the activities are flexible enough to allow teachers to introduce modifications to match the pupils’ needs at different levels and interests.
With these activities each university developed two CD-rom (one for pupils the other for teachers) that can be used in different schools. The activities were evaluated by student teachers, teachers and mentors in their classes and in local and international seminars.
In this communication we intend to present some of the Spanish and Portuguese activities and discuss how they can be improved.