I. Zubia, P. Arruti, E. Monasterio, A. Telleria, J. Molina
University of the Basque Country (SPAIN)
During the academic year 2006/07 ECTS was implemented in the first complete year of studies of Electrical Engineering in the Polytechnic University School of San Sebastian of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. Before this date, several actions were developed by the time of teachers involved in the process. The first step consisted on the definition of learning outcomes and competences of each matter, the evaluation of skills, the learning methodology to be applied and the estimation of student workload. The second step was the coordination of these aspects. Keeping in mind that ECTS is a student-centred system the implementation was based in several actions oriented to student information and formation: types of learning activities where presented, the estimation of student workload concept was explained and a typical first year student timetable was shown.

Student workload good estimation was the concern of teachers and a method to check whether the estimated student workload is correct was developed. Questionnaires to be completed by students weekly during the learning process where designed. The questionnaire asks about time spent to complete all planned learning activities of first year matters such as attending lectures, seminars, independent and private study, placements, preparation of projects, examinations, and so forth. In order to obtain true responses, the questionnaire is anonymous.

Even if the aim of the questionnaire was to check calculated workload through student feedback, the analysis of data leads to some conclusions about student study habit pattern. It has been observed that:
• They study-time does not reach the estimated value.
• They do not study linearly and in a continuous way along the 15 weeks of a semester. But a lot of studying hours are spent in the weeks dedicated to evaluation.
• This study-pattern leads to a high rate of students that fail the examination. As a consequence students need much more time to obtain their degree and the dropout of university students is very high.

In view of the bad studying habits and the lack of self-organisation, an additional questionnaire was designed. The aim of this test was to check their opinion about good study practices and effective self–organisation characteristics. Results obtained from this test had shown that students are aware of their deficiencies.

The academic year 2007/08, in order to get a correlation between studying habits and academic results, a code was assigned to each student. This code keeps the anonymity, but helps in a deeper analysis of their habits and in problem identification. The questionnaire also includes an item to detect when student abandon each matter.

In the present work results of the last academic year student questionnaire are analysed. Student habits are contrasted with previous academic year students ones. Furthermore, some measures are proposed to the next academic year in order to improve the understanding of ECTS philosophy and student self-organisation skills.
Event: ICERI2008
Session: Education: New Trends and Experiences
Session type: VIRTUAL