S.R.: M. Rocha1, C.G.: J. Guerra2
1 Universidade Federal de São Jõao del Rei (BRAZIL)
2 Secretaria Municipal de Educação (BRAZIL)
The present article has the goal to analyze the variables that interfere in the teachers' pedagogic practice on basic teaching who are taking part in the postgraduation distance learning course on "Enterprising Education", offered by the Federal University of São João del Rei - Minas Gerais (UFSJ) together with the Open University of Brazil (UAB) and with the Municipal Schools of São João del Rei in Minas Gerais - Brazil, which is about the contextualization of the use of new technologies of information and communication and to the employment of the enterprising pedagogy.
São João del Rei is located in the state of Minas Gerais - Brazil. It has an area of 1.464 km² and it is composed by 05 (five) districts. According to the last Census (2.000), it has a population of 78,616 inhabitants, and the majority, 94%, lived in the city. According to João Pinheiro Foundation and IPEA, the city, between 1980 and 2000, presented an index of human development equivalent at the levels of countries with medium IDH, (0,816). However the index of life conditions (ICV) that is composed by four blocks: health, education, childhood and income, presented an index equivalent to countries considered underdeveloped, (0,773). Based on those data it was noticed that the human development, and consequently, economical development of the district didn't become in better life conditions for the whole population. On the contrary, it was followed by the stagnation and continuous social difference, with little articulation and collective social arrangement.
According to the data described above and with the current conjectures, where the force of the globalization and, the intransigent, competitive atmosphere and more and more transparent about the in economical, environmental and social impacts in the organizations, it is necessary to develop competences, abilities and attitudes related to the enterprising strategies.
A specific formation of professionals involved with the thematic of the enterprising education presupposes institutional, organizational and personal development.
To reach those new abilities, demanded in the world and in the current work relationships, an enterprising line in the education is delineating in the search of the invigoration of new values in a heterogeneous society, marked by the cultural diversity and for processes of social exclusion determined by the differences of income, power and knowledge.
Aware of the expressed need in forming industrious teachers, the UFSJ through UAB, it was created a partnership with the government of the town of São João del Rei, with the objective of offer a course of Distance Learning Course on Enterprising Education to develop abilities and enterprising competences between youths and adults, mainly, teachers of the basic education, interested in innovating their practices in the work and in the society, based on the premises of the collectivism, cooperation and the maintainable development.
For so much, it was accomplished with the professionals of the education that participate in this postgraduation distance learning course on "Enterprising Education" ,latus sensu, a questionnaire which, through personal data of each one, see the variables that possibly can interfere in his/her teachers' educational performance, once they showed interested in do a distance learning course on "Enterprising Education".