D. Blackshields
University College, Cork (IRELAND)
This paper highlights the pedagogical use of the performance component of the Teaching for Understanding Framework (TfU) (Blythe et al 1998) through an Economics classroom adaptation of the investigative strategy of the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. This pedagogical experiment was designed to encourage the embracement of a scientific problem-solving mindset and strategy by second year undergraduate Bachelor of Arts (with Economics) students when exploring economic problems in their academic and daily lives. This pedagogy facilitates the teacher putting into practice a cognitive apprenticeship programme of instruction by means of a series of inter-related student performances. The sequential development of these performances enables the teacher to 1) expose students to performing as investigators of economic phenomena – introductory performance 2) develop a meta-level model of scientific problem-solving through an in-depth interactive exploration of the investigative strategy of the first scientific detective – Sherlock Holmes derived from Conan Doyle’s stories and the Granada TV adaptation of these stories (1984-94) – guided inquiry performance 3) encourage students to engage in reflection-on-action (Schon 1983) using the meta-level model to review their own performances as scientific investigators of economic phenomena – guided inquiry performance and 4) require students to demonstrate their advanced understanding of solving economic problems as scientific investigators in an observable way – culminating performance. Pedagogical issues arising from this teaching experiment are contemplated through a consideration of the metacognitive reflection of participating students in the class of 2007-2008. It is proposed that this pedagogical experiment systematically encourages the development of participants’ abilities as problem-solvers in Economics. It facilitates a gradual lessening of teacher guidance for students whilst problem-solving in Economics. It advances the pedagogical considerations of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Kennedy 2007; Bloom 1956), Learning through Storytelling in Higher Education (Alterio and McDrury 2003) and Expert Reasoning Focus for Economics Education (Van Sickle 1992). It compliments the attitudes and approaches evident in the exploration of economic phenomena in The Economic Naturalist (Frank 2007), The Undercover Economist (Harford 2006), Freakonomics (Levitt and Dubner 2005), Economics as Detective Fiction (Breit and Elzinga 2002; Jevons 1998, 1996, 1993) and can be considered an adaptation of the edutainment approach to Economics education (Sexton 2006; Leet and Houser 2003; and Serey 1992).
Event: ICERI2008
Session: Technologies and Methodologies applied to Education and Research
Session time: Tuesday, 18th of November from 17:00 to 19:00
Session type: ORAL