MD. Huete Morales, F. Abad Montes, M. Vargas Jiménez
University of Granada (SPAIN)
The Demographic Statistics is a new field that one comes giving in the curriculum of the students of Statistics and other qualifications who need to know some of the demographic topics most used in the professional practice. This work develops a methodology for the construction of Tables of Mortality with multiple applications in Medicine, Actuarial Sciences or Labour Sciences, indispensable for the obtaining of the life expectancy registered in a period of time.
The terminology of the longitudinal tables or of cohort has been introduced to finish constructing the Tables of the moment that allow to analyze diverse aspects related to population ageing, insurance premiums or calculation the number of potential years of life lost, so importance, for example, in the occupational accidents analysis by activities, sectors or professions.
Finally, it has prepared a program / software application that it allows to be employed in the classroom with real data, after imposing the previous working hypotheses that the professional should know.