J. Rienda
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (SPAIN)
Bologna Declaration has meant an unprecedented challenge in Higher Education Teaching. To go from a teaching model based on lectures where student is a passive learner person to a self-learning model where students are active ones and their participation is the cornerstone of this new methodology, is not being feasible, mainly due to the lack of well-organized information and being aware of those implications and changes mean.
The European Higher Education Space (EHES), when being thoroughly developed, shows us goodness quite acceptable in the student’s teaching-learning process. To make students take part in its own way to learn about any scientific area will benefit them by a better interpretation of those topics learnt, a better critical sense and a cognitive development according to professional requirements.
It is in this new context, teachers and students both, this experience is framed. We show peculiarities teaching Mathematics, as one the more difficult subjects to understand. Moreover, if we add that subject is taught in English, with a shortage of bibliography adapted to our syllabus, then the level of difficulty to pass it increases.
Either WebCT or Moodle virtual environments provide us with a useful tool to learn by doing in a progressive and continuous way. Nevertheless, all advantages continuous progressive assessment provides us disappear if traditional marking criteria count towards the final grade.