I. Bernabé-Muñoz
Universitat Jaume I (SPAIN)
This research work has analysed the WebQuest model for the purpose of adapting this methodology to the characteristics of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The main aspects of the WebQuest strategy, which have been identified and considered to be of great interest, have been presented to adapt the WebQuest model to the EHEA from the empirical study to assess the experience of teaching innovation conducted as part of different university degrees. The results obtained show that WebQuests are considered suitable resources for the teaching structure. They are also valued as tools to present information, and as support instruments to assess and manage the teaching-learning process. Additionally, they constitute an element which is associated with personal and professional development of teachers and students alike, and they favour the incorporation of the ICTs into teaching.
As part of the continued evaluation of the teaching education and innovation process in which different university degrees participated, a discussion group was organised to analyse how the teaching staff perceive the WebQuest model with the objective to collect information in order to continue working to adapt this methodology to the new EHEA requirements.
We now describe the main characteristics of the WebQuest methodology which have been identified and considered to be of great interest for university teachers in order to adapt WebQuest to the EHEA. The results obtained are grouped into the following subjects as shown below:
a) WebQuests for the teaching structure.
b) Information presentation tools.
c) Assessment instruments.
d) Management of the teaching-learning process.
e) Personal and professional development.
f) They favour the incorporation of the ICTs into teaching.
Throughout the education and action process, its special relevance as a methodology to deal with the European convergence process has been clearly perceived. All the teachers have reported that their didactic experience with WebQuests has allowed them to direct their teaching to the European convergence process, and has permitted the aspects that this implies to be incorporated, such as effectively linking the theoretical aspects of the subject matters with the real practice, the students’ collaborative work and the ICTs, and student-orientated teaching.
By means of the follow-up and the continuous evaluation performed, it has been verified that the WebQuests design, creation, application and evaluation process provides teachers with the possibility of innovating their teaching tasks, and that this design favours the active incorporation of the ICTs when they adapt their teaching to the new EHEA.
Keywords: WebQuests, EHEA, ICTs.