R. Fernandez Pascual, S. González Aguilera, C. Roldan López de Hierro, D. Montoro Cazorla
University of Jaén (SPAIN)
On the one hand, considering the application of the Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) as an useful didactic support of experiences that provide a richer learning environment, and on the other hand, taking into account that statistics is an indispensable tool to do practical applications in Social Sciences, it turns out to be attractive to develop didactic innovative experiences that increase the interest of the students and offer alternative choices for gaining knowledge and information. We have developed three experiences to adapt the teaching and learning process to ECTS context.

At the beginning of these projects approached the creation of a virtual teaching platform to include curricular materials and multimedia” resources for the subject of “Statistics applied in Social Sciences”. This platform was used as support and complement of traditional teaching, it fomented the active e-learning and also allowed teachers to know the reality of the education-learning in context EEES in a more exhaustive and trustworthy way. For the development of such platform, we used the program Moodle.

We included the educational materials using a staggered design, so that the students should accede to the web page that contains the main thematic blocks of the subject and inside each of them to the following modules:

• Notes of the topics, where the matter of the subject is developed.
• List of problems and the solutions for checking the results.
• Flash presentations to introduce them to the use of statistics packages.
• Questionnaires to be resolved at the end of every lesson to complete the process of self-learning.

Besides, the virtual platform counted with a Chat module, across which the pupils could interchange both materials and knowledge of the matter.

These activities facilitated the self-learning process and the teacher’s control in a continuous way. Also, the use of a virtual platform as the one presented here, improved the communication between teachers and students, as well as, their academic results.

The following course we found the surprising problem that a great number of pupils “had not have internet access at home” so we decided to prepare an educational CD-Rom to avoid this problem. We determined to include the previous curricular materials and new self-learning and self-evaluation questionnaires in the multimedia Statistical CD-Rom created.

Finally, this academic course we are improving the evaluation methodology. The following step in this innovation way, is to replace the traditional exams with continuous and global evaluation techniques. In this sense, the portfolios contain evidences of capabilities and skills acquired and can be used as a useful total/partial evaluation instrument. Our students could choose between making an only final exam and creat-ing their own portfolio with practical works and applied exercises. The 85% preferred to work the portfolio option.

The degree of satisfaction and the usefulness of the educational experiences developed were valued from the results derived from public-opinion polls among the students, in which we thought about these aspects, we asked what usefulness and opinion deserves them and they put the failures observed in evidence for possible improvements in the future. Besides, the teachers are widely satisfied with the academic results obtained.