A. Villar-López, C. Camison-Zornoza, M. Boronat-Navarro
Universitat Jaume I (SPAIN)
In this paper are explained the changes and actions that a group of lecturers have applied in the subject Strategic Management in order to converge with the European Higher Education Area. The European Higher Education Area has entailed a change in the curriculum of the diverse degrees that shape the higher education system in Europe. The Jaume I University (Castellón, Spain) was one of the first that participated in the pilot projects of European convergence and the Business Management and Administration Degree was one of the first in the Jaume I University that participated in these projects. In this context, the subject Strategic Management I has been evolving through modifications in the methodology and evaluation. This subject takes place during the first quarter of fourth course of the degree in Business Management and Administration. It has an obligatory character. Teaching in Strategic Management requires being able to offer to the students a wide range of capabilities that allow them to perform a manager job.
With the purpose of improving the teaching in the subject Strategic Management and establishing the convergence to the European Higher Education Area, we have carried out a project of educative improvement. The concrete objectives of this project are the following:
1. To consolidate the convergence of the subject to the European Higher Education Area through the consolidation of methodological changes that allow us to perform a wider range of methodological tools in the same subject.
2. To carry out an improvement in the planning of the theoretical and practical classes in order to optimize the student’s learning.
To do so, the project includes all the activities to detect the need of improvement of the subject, the justifications of these activities and the development of the actions that will be carried out. As a result, a new planning of the subject has been implemented. To carry out a correct control of the achievement of the purposes of this project, we pretend to obtain feedback from the students through a survey. The observation of the lecturers about the evolution of the project also constitutes a control mechanism. Finally, the academic results of the students also constitute a control mechanism through which we will be able to evaluate the results of the educational project that we present here.
The main result of this study has been to obtain a more satisfied students with the learning process, students with a greater motivation and interest for the subject and with a stronger knowledge. We have achieved also a major fulfilment of the purposes of the subject, both in knowledge and capabilities as in attitudes thanks to the new planning of the classes.