A. Zolfaghari, M. Shatar Sabran, A. Zolfaghari
University Putra Malaysia (MALAYSIA)
Education and development have an unbroken connection. This is not just now rather in the past centuries. In globalization age, education differs with the last age. In the past decades, the focus of education maybe was on the primary education to increasing the literacy level while in the recent years, the focus of education is on the higher education to train skilled human manpower. In the globalization age, higher education is more under attention in the countries specially developing countries to develop productivity and economic, promote culture and civil laws, and increase social integration. In addition to that, in the age, higher education expands innovation, entrepreneurship, technology and manages knowledge. On the contrary, expansion of innovation, entrepreneurship, technology and management of knowledge develop higher education. Overall, specialty and skill as the basic to sustainable development occurs through higher education. For that reason, it is necessary that all of countries in the world specially developing countries pay attention to the higher education. Updating the higher education according to the today knowledge is the main step to achieve the above mentioned goal. In the globalization process, updating the higher education is not possible unless through internationalization of higher education. Internationalization of higher education requires the set of conditions that have been listed in the study. Therefore, this study notes the necessity, importance and pre-requirements of higher education internationalization, and explains how the process of higher education internationalization occurs. This study investigates the duties of universities and the role of information and communication technology in this process. The challenges faced by higher education internationalization, some recommendations and suggestions to improve the process of higher education internationalization in developing countries are included in the study.

Purpose of this study
The purpose of this study is to examine the necessity, and importance of internationalization of higher education in developing countries in the globalization age. For the goal, the following questions will be answered in the study.
1. Why the internationalization of higher education is important for developing countries?
2. What are the pre requirements and the developing countries’ universities roles and duties in the internationalization of higher education?
3. How the internationalization of higher education occur in the countries?
4. What is the role of information and communication technology in internationalization of higher education in the countries?
5. And what are the challenges faced by internationalization of higher education in the countries?

Significant of study
The study is important for the following reasons;
1. Presenting the needed strategies, policies, and programs to internationalization of higher education in developing countries
2. Helping to relevant authorities for concentrating on the universities duties in the case
3. Helping to relevant authorities for emphasizing on the role of information and communication technology in this field
4. Preparing the need information for identifying the effective factors in internationalization of higher education
5. Enjoying the study results for developing the higher education in international levels
6. Special helping to developing countries for nearing to developed countries.