F. Goulao
Universidade Aberta (PORTUGAL)
We look for to relate three important concepts in a specific context of learning: the concept of Distance Learning, the concept of Technologies and the concept of Attitudes.
The Distance Learning is irremediably associated with the technological development, more particularly with the information and communication technologies (ICT). With the incorporation of the ICT in distance learning we entered a new stage of this type of education. The dynamics that are established in the teaching learning process, in this new age, lead to rethink important concepts as, for example, the objectives, the organization, the dynamic that they can establish between the different elements in these processes (contents - students; students - students; students -teachers), the methodologies that can be used, the contents to select. We are in the face of the hypothesis of having more diversified and flexible teaching and learning processes. Therefore, we have important alterations in an institutional point of view, and also in a methodological point of view.
The way the students face these alterations can be a good pointer of success, or not, of the same. So, the adhesion, or not, to this new Distance Learning scenario can be related with the type of attitudes that its users (students) construct. The attitudes, as social construct, help the thinking and guide the way as we think, feel and acts. In a theoretical point of view, the attitudes have the function of evaluate a psychological object. This evaluation is made as in unconscious form, even when not requested. We also know the attitudes are influenced by cognition and affection. When cognition and feelings relatively to an object possess opposing valences, the influence of the feelings tends to predominate.
The objective of this study was to understand how the students evaluate the use of the ICT in the learning process, in general, and in its own particular case. As evaluation instrument was used a questionnaire composed by 28 items. Those were administered to 289 students that frequent the distance learning. The questionnaire is composed by two parts. In the first one it is requested the evaluation of the use of ICT in a general way, in the second one, the same evaluation in their particular case. The results point out to a general positive attitude not forgetting, however, determined conditions for its use and the negative aspects that come from that.