E. Öztürk, D. Deryakulu
Ankara University (TURKEY)
1. Introduction
Blended learning has been defined as the combination of face-to-face and online learning [1]. Bleed [2] suggested that blended learning should be viewed as an opportunity to redesign the way that courses are developed, scheduled, and delivered in higher education through a combination of psychical and virtual instruction. Blended learning can be a useful alternative for teacher education. Schrum, Burbank and Capps [3] emphasized that teacher preparation programs must incorporate field experiences into their learners’ experiences and assist them in preparing to teach in culturally and socio-economically diverse settings. Research on teaching methods courses indicated that teacher education courses are most effective when they provide both a framework for new conceptualizations and “challenging experiences that require learners to rethink their understandings based on evidence from experience” [3]. Online (or computer-mediated) part of blended learning can be used to present case studies, video-cases, simulations or other related content and materials; to listen to others’ views, and as a result the focus of the classroom can be shifted from a presentational format (i.e. lecturing) to one of active learning (i.e. discussion and debate) [4]. Recently Schrum [5] stated that most of the literature on online learning has focused on programmatic, technological, and implementation issues, rather than on student centered perspectives. Studies on students’ perceptions, attitudes, and views on blended learning in higher education revealed varied results. In the context of the present study, pre-service Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) teachers from two large Turkish universities in Ankara participated in a 14-week blended ICT teaching methods course which consisted of face-to-face lectures with video-case presentation, and synchronous or asynchronous online discussions. A-Tutor is an open-source-code course management tool used in this study to provide online discussion environment to the students. The purpose of this study was to compare the students’ views on blended learning according to their characteristics.

2. Method

2.1. Participants
Participants of this study were 83 pre-service ICT teachers from two large Turkish universities in Ankara. Of the participants, 38 (46%) were from Ankara University and 45 (54%) were from Hacettepe University; 35 (42%) were female, and 48 (58%) were male; 38 (46%) were in the synchronous discussion group and 45 (54%) were in the asynchronous discussion group; and the mean age was 21.84 (SD=1.40).
2.2. Data Collection
After the implementation of a 14-week blended ICT teaching methods course, a survey booklet including a scale on students’ views on blended learning [6], Eysenck personality inventory [7], epistemological beliefs questionnaire [8], need for cognition scale [9] and learning and study strategies inventory (LASSI) was administered to the students. To analyze the data, we employed descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and stepwise regression.

3. Findings
Table 1 illustrates students’ views on both current blended learning implementation (ease of use of web environment, online environment, face-to-face environment and evaluation) and views on blended learning method in general. The mean scores are categorized as: “1-5: low”; “5.01-7: medium” and “7.01-10: high”.
Event: ICERI2008
Session: E-learning and Virtual Innovations (II)
Session time: Tuesday, 18th of November from 14:45 to 16:45
Session type: ORAL