M. López
Rural schools, characterized by their community proximity and organizational flexibility, face new challenges in the post-digital society. Traditionally, rural students have shown lower academic performance than urban students, influenced by geographic and socioeconomic factors. The integration of technology has facilitated the renewal of educational practices, promoting a more inclusive education. However, inequalities persist in access to technological resources and in the needs of communities. In this context, the project "Transforming Rural Education: A Three-Dimensional View" seeks to enhance the transformation of Catalan rural schools from a pedagogical, digital, and environmental perspective, preserving the balance between rural identities and the integration of elements of modernity.
Theoretical framework:
Pedagogy: Rural schools, generally grouped into ZERs (Rural School Zones), have great potential to offer personalized and community-based education thanks to the low student-teacher ratio. However, current educational policies hinder long-term digital transformation and the attraction of teachers with specific training in digital competence.
Digitalization: The modernization of rural schools requires improving digital capacity, not only at the infrastructure level but also to prepare students for life in the post-digital society. Technology facilitates access to resources and collaboration between schools, but the lack of resources and technical support are obstacles to overcome.
Environmental: Rural schools are in a privileged position to educate in sustainability and in innovative spaces. The new architectural criteria of the Departament d'Educació de Catalunya promote flexible and sustainable architecture that favors active learning, using natural spaces as an educational resource.
A questionnaire has been developed to analyze the opportunities and challenges of rural schools in their educational transformation processes, applied to teachers and management teams of a representative sample of the 315 rural schools in Catalonia. The questionnaire, based on previous theoretical research, identifies dimensions such as leadership, technological infrastructure, educational environment, pedagogical methodologies, and professional training.
Preliminary results:
The results point to the need for an education that not only trains academically competent students but also prepares them for a constantly changing world. The rural context demands a comprehensive approach that encompasses the pedagogical, digital, and environmental perspectives, recognizing the potential of rural schools to strengthen the social and cultural fabric of their communities.
Keywords: Rural education, Educational transformation, Digital infrastructure, Digital transformation.