L. García-Noguera, O. Aguirre Castro, R. Gómez Durán
The Chair of Peace, created by President Juan Manuel Satos Calderón through Law 1732 of 2014, sought to promote a scenario of dialogue and reconciliation in the country, within the actions carried out by the State in the peace process negotiated with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army [FARC-EP]. In this sense, public and private educational institutions in Colombia began the redesign of their Institutional Educational Project to incorporate the Chair of Peace. From this consideration, the Colegio República de México, located in the Ciudad Bolívar district of Bogotá, taking into account the characteristics of its educational context, marked by expressions of violence that the country has experienced, considered the Chair of Peace as an important educational resource to promote healthy coexistence environments in the institution. In this sense, the implementation of the peace chair was brought forward, emphasizing the promotion of a culture of peace, the construction of citizenship for peace and the implementation of nonviolence mechanisms, a situation that is important to review in order to have information that allows feedback on the educational proposal developed. Therefore, the research sought to characterize the lessons that have been left by the implementation of the peace chair at the Colegio República de México.
The research was developed under a qualitative approach. A descriptive scope and phenomenological design were taken into account, which leads to considering the experience lived by each of the people involved in the study. For the development of the research, a convenience sample of 40 eleventh grade students was considered, to whom an open survey and a focus group interview were applied. Both techniques were used from instruments designed in the research and validated through expert judgment. For the analysis of the information, a categorical analysis, axial coding and interpretation of the results were followed.
The information collected through the open survey showed that the students' perception of the implementation of the Chair of Peace at Colegio República de México is positive, since most of them manage to identify and implement strategies that contribute individually and as a group to the construction of citizenship for peace, the peaceful resolution of conflicts and the culture of peace. In relation to the focus group interview, it is possible to appreciate that the students have developed learning that strengthens their resilience in the face of the situations experienced in the Colombian armed conflict and the ability to recognize that the human being is a rational and emotional being.
In conclusion, it was found that the implementation of the peace course has made valuable contributions to the civic education of students. This situation is evident in their knowledge and skills to peacefully resolve conflicts and promote peaceful environments within the community. It is recommended to expand the content addressed in the course, considering the family and neighborhood social problems that affect healthy coexistence in the locality, thus fulfilling the attention to the training needs expressed by the students and the social responsibility that the institution must have with the territory where it is present.
Keywords: Chair of Peace, Citizenship Education, Citizenship for Peace, Pedagogies for Peace, Nonviolence.