I. Balandina, L. Yuzdova, T. Moskvitina, S. Aitkulov, N. Belousova, I. Cherkasov
South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
The article deals with the process of adaptation through the study of sports terminology.

Adaptation is understood as the adjustment of the sense organs and the body as a whole to changing conditions of life. Adaptation in sports is the process of adaptation of the body to the external environment or changes occurring in the body itself under the influence of training loads.

Adaptation will go most confidently and calmly provided that the beginner athlete is familiar with sports terminology. Knowledge of sports terminology and vocabulary in general is one of the conditions for the development of communicative competence. Adaptation to sports activities occurs in three aspects: physical (adaptation is associated with the mobilization of the body's resources to overcome stress from sports loads), social (adaptation to a new status), psychological (adaptation is associated with the restructuring of consciousness, with the awareness of the importance of a new type of activity).

Mastering sports terms by beginner athletes helps to adapt in social and psychological aspects: by mastering the terms the athlete comes to understand the processes occurring in the body under the influence of physical activity, as a result, he adapts faster, and also feels comfortable in the company of athletes. Some terms related to adaptation in sports: long-term adaptation (physiological changes in the human body due to repeated physical activity for weeks or months), acute adaptation (this is the body's response to a single exposure to physical activity), training specificity (physiological adaptation to physical activity that is characterized by a high degree of specificity). For independent mastering of terms it is advisable to use dictionaries.

The dictionary provides ideas about the basic and special terms used in the theory and methodology of sports training. The dictionary terms reveal conceptual material of planning the training process, physiological and biochemical processes occurring in the athlete's body, some aspects of sports medicine and features of the course of recovery reactions. The dictionary guides magistrates to conscious cognitive interest and independent assimilation of key concepts in the above-mentioned discipline, the value of which lies in the practical addition to the theory, a means of self-knowledge, self-improvement and can serve as a self-study guide in mastering sports activities. The relevance of the topic is due to various factors, including: simplification of the adaptation process of novice athletes and their integration into the sports community.

The methods of studying the problem were theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of research, synthesis of scientific sources, generalization, observation.

The material for studying the problem included publications devoted to the development of sports terminology, as a means of simplifying the adaptation of a beginner athlete in the environment.

The following tasks were solved in the course of writing the article:
1. The definitions of "term", "sports term", "adaptation" were considered.
2. The methodology for studying the sports term was analyzed.
3. Methodological recommendations for studying the sports term within the framework of the adaptation period of novice athletes were developed.

The practical significance lies in the fact that the results of this study can be used in the practical activities of teachers.

Keywords: Beginner athlete, sports terms, adaptation, study.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Active & Student-Centered Learning
Session: Pedagogical Innovations
Session type: VIRTUAL