I. Balandina, T. Moskvitina, L. Yuzdova, G. Shiganova, O. Pavlova, I. Salimova
South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Teaching Russian as a foreign language has become especially relevant at present. The article is devoted to the search and analysis of effective methods of using texts in the process of teaching Russian to non-native speakers. The methodology of teaching this area is a new, actively developing direction.

When studying a language, we choose an approach to organizing training that is directly related to the level of training students. A text is an accessible didactic tool, so we select methods of working with texts, in particular from the standpoint of linguistic, philological analysis.

In the process of working in this direction, it was revealed that the most effective use of texts in the process of learning a language is a systematic approach. The text is considered as a systematic formation of speech activity. Working with the text (if it is based on its stylistic accuracy) allows to analyse all the layers of the text structure, to consider the text as a systematic formation in the integrity of all layers and elements.

When using text as a tool, the activity-based approach in the process of teaching the Russian language becomes the main approach. A person does not just study the language, he learns it through the text. Learning becomes an active activity, as students "analyze" and "assemble" the text.

The article examines the concept of "text" in general and discusses approaches to using text in the learning process. The relevance of the topic is determined by various factors, including: simplification of the process of adaptation of migrants and their integration into the society of native Russian speakers, cultural and informational interaction of different peoples, and the formation of a single communicative space.

The methods of studying the problem included theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of research, synthesis of scientific sources, generalization, observation.

The material for studying the problem was publications devoted to current trends in the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language, in particular, using various texts.
The main task of the teacher is to make maximum use of the text material for the development of grammatical skills and speech abilities in order to encourage foreigners to speak and prepare them for natural foreign language communication.

Researchers understand the text either as a set of sentences related to each other, or as a structural and syntactic whole consisting of a sequence of statements (discourse). Depending on their purpose, texts have stylistic characteristics along with general textual characteristics.

When perceiving and understanding an educational text, it is possible to work at various levels: understanding and perception of individual words; perception and understanding of individual phrases; working with individual sentences of the text; understanding the general content of the text; understanding the general content of the text and its details; understanding emotional and evaluative information, figurative meaning of the text; reading and freely discussing the topic and problem of the text, i.e., free command of the language.

Analysis of the problem showed that the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language is developing, working out and strengthening its own basic categories and allows improving the quality of education.

Keywords: Text, teaching Russian as a foreign language, education process.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Language Learning and Teaching
Session: Foreign Languages
Session type: VIRTUAL