D. Pappa1, J. Pawlowski2, K. Clements3, S. Sotiriou4
1 National Centre for Scientific Research (NCSR) "Demokritos" (GREECE)
2 Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences (GERMANY)
3 University of Jyväskylä (FINLAND)
4 Ellinogermaniki Agogi (GREECE)
As educational technologies become increasingly important in learning, well-being challenges such as technostress, reduced motivation and emotional distress have emerged, impacting students and educators alike. Promoting positive education requires a strategic approach that balances technological advances with wellbeing focused pedagogies. The POSITIVE LEARN project has underscored the urgency of addressing these issues by rethinking skills, incorporating emotional e-literacies alongside digital skills, and developing learning scenarios that take technology-related stress into account. Furthermore, integrating positive education into schools requires the active engagement of all involved stakeholders—students, educators, administrators, parents, and policymakers—to create a supportive environment in which well-being and academic success coexist.

The present paper first highlights the need for a holistic approach that integrates technological innovation with well-being focused pedagogy. Second, the paper examines the challenges and opportunities in promoting positive education in the classroom and highlights the specific needs and roles of those involved: Educators need to be provided with training to integrate positive pedagogy and technostress mitigation techniques; Administrators implement school-wide policies that balance innovation with mental health priorities. Parents are involved in reinforcing positive habits and emotional resilience at home; policymakers support resource allocation and policies that prioritize well-being in education; and students actively participate in creating positive learning environments. Encouraging collaboration between these groups can maximize the potential of technology-enhanced education.

The paper highlights the importance of ensuring that all stakeholders play an active role in promoting positive educational outcomes and of tailoring interventions to their needs and roles in order to develop a sustainable, integrative approach to positive education.

Keywords: Digital education, positive education, wellbeing, technostress.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Digital Transformation of Education
Session: Digital Transformation
Session type: VIRTUAL