B. Luiza Habermann Zuliani, R. Evaristo dos Santos, C. Novoa Fernandes
Sao Camilo University Center (BRAZIL)
Nursing education faces the challenge of preparing students for high-pressure environments, such as intensive care and emergency. Innovative methods, such as game-based learning, improve active learning and knowledge retention, surpassing traditional methodologies. This study developed a board game inspired by the "Profile Game" to facilitate learning about critical care in nursing undergraduates. In addition, the game stimulates students' creativity and logical reasoning, making them protagonists of the learning process. Therefore, this study aims to develop an educational board game focused on intensive care and emergency care, intended for undergraduate nursing students. This is a methodological study in which an educational game was developed as a learning tool. The study was conducted from May to October 2024. The game development was carried out in 5 stages: research and literature review, definition of educational objectives, game design, graphic design, and prototyping and adjustments. The inspiration came from the game “Profile,” in which players must guess a word or name based on successive clues ranging from more general to specific information. The process involved collaboration with education and nursing experts to ensure that the content was relevant and accurate. Critical elements of emergency situations and intensive care protocols were integrated into the game cards and board. The game developed, inspired by the “Profile Game,” was adapted to help nursing undergraduates learn about critical care in the Urgency and Emergency and Intensive Care sectors. It is a physical board game with 46 spaces, called “S.O.S Nursing,” whose narrative addresses the healing process of patients in critical situations. The game consists of 160 cards, with eight clues each, divided equally into 4 categories: main pathologies found, therapeutic measures, most used equipment, devices and procedures, and the most common nursing diagnoses. Some students informally participated in gameplay testing, and they reported that the game is engaging and effective in contextualizing scenarios and concepts applied to critically ill patients and in emergency care. The challenge faced in implementing the game was to design cards that addressed the content in a didactic and playful way. The development of the board game represents an innovation in nursing education, offering a potentially valuable tool for learning critical care. Although the study only reports the game development phase, the subsequent validation and evaluation stages are crucial to determine its educational effectiveness. Future research should focus on evaluating the implementation of the game in the academic curriculum and its impact on student learning.

Keywords: Nursing Education, Games, Critical Care.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Active & Student-Centered Learning
Session: Gamification & Game-based Learning
Session type: VIRTUAL