O. Kitikar (Naboka)1, A. Polevaia-Secareanu2, I. Derkachenko1, A. Cotorcea2
The European and Moldovan higher education systems at the present stage do not fully meet the requirements for training modern specialists in adaptive physical culture. Trends in the development of society associated with the expansion of inclusive space have determined the need to reform the system of professional training of specialists in adaptive physical culture. This is due to the following needs of society: changing the role of the adaptive physical education teacher: from fragmentary adaptation of people with disabilities to their full integration into all spheres of life; transformation of the target priorities of society and a shift in emphasis in higher education towards the formation of flexible competencies of specialists.
Statement of the problem: The training of specialists in adaptive physical culture in higher educational institutions is built on the basis of a competency-based model of education. However, the list of competencies presented in the educational standard does not fully meet the requirements for the formation of a holistic personality of a specialist, for his continuous self-education and preparation for practical activities. Expanding the inclusive educational environment requires modernizing the system of training future specialists in adaptive physical culture with a shift in emphasis from general professional training to the formation of special professional competencies related to the dynamics of the development of society in solving the problem of the development of people with disabilities.
Results and discussion: Educational models for training specialists in adaptive physical culture at the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of the State University of the Republic of Moldova and the Transnistrian State University named after T.G. Shevchenko were analyzed. Scientific and methodological foundations for the substantive training of future physical education specialists have been developed based on the concept of individual and ecosystem approaches. The higher education system is presented in the form of a dynamic model focused on the formation of “soft competencies”, the prevention of professional growth deficits and the formation of an educational and training co-working space at the university for the training of specialists in adaptive physical culture.
The trends and principles of modernization of the higher education system in the field of adaptive physical culture are identified, based on the variability of forms of the educational process, the integration of the requirements of the training standard and the demands of society with a shift in emphasis to practice-oriented training of specialists, taking into account the uncertainty and variability of the external environment.
Conclusion: it was concluded that in the context of the expansion of the educational space, its integration with inclusive education, the transformation of the system of training specialists in adaptive physical culture at the university is inevitable. It is necessary to develop a concept that combines the unity of target, content and procedural components that ensure the effectiveness of the formation of general professional, special professional and variable competencies of such specialists.
Keywords: The concept of the ecosystem approach, higher education system, specialists in adaptive physical culture, variable competencies, soft competencies, educational coworking.