I. Paliokas1, M. Tsipouras1, C. Bellos1, E. Varvarousi2, E. Gavala2, A. Maragkakis3, A. Kameas1
The DigiGreeNPost project aims to strengthen resilience in the postal industry by providing upskilling opportunities for postal employees in green and digital competencies. This initiative supports the implementation of digital and green policy agendas, fostering awareness of the significance of green and digital roles across the sector. On the other hand, the Greek economy is close to the EU-27 average regarding the green transition, and even surpasses it in the use of renewable energy sources for heating and cooling. However, Greece falls behind in the digital transition. In this context, this study focuses on identifying workplace learning needs for Greek postal sector employees, specifically in the context of digital and green skills development. Recognizing the European Union's goals for green and digital transition, the study analyzes the current state of Greece’s progress in these areas. Through a combination of quantitative (questionnaires) and qualitative (interviews) research methods, this paper assessed postal sector professionals’ competencies and training requirements.
A question survey was crafted based on DigComp and GreenComp frameworks. Data was gathered from a wide demographic, including various professional levels within the sector, ensuring balanced representation across different Greek regions. The questionnaires addressed core competency needs, future trends, and training aspirations, enabling an in-depth analysis of skill gaps and preferences. The study was performed using a “snowballing” approach as a recruitment methodology (initially targeting local managers who then invited other employees to participate). A total number of 354 volunteers (all active postal sector employees) participated in this study (237 males and 117 females), having diverse demographic characteristics, including education, age, and work roles.
The study results highlight the attitudes of the responders and their willing to change, along with some gaps in their professional development regarding green and digital competencies that are mandatory for future employment and sustainable economic development. The findings offer valuable insights for future training initiatives aimed at strengthening digital and environmental competencies in the postal industry, ultimately fostering a workforce better equipped to meet evolving market demands and contribute to sustainable growth.
Keywords: Lifelong learning, workplace learning, digital competences, green competences, postal sector.