A. Tosun1, T. Sarı2, F. Nayir3
Teachers are universally expected to act in accordance with the philosophy of inclusive education towards their students. However, are the education policies of countries inclusive enough for teachers with disabilities? Have academic studies sufficiently examined issues such as the employment of teachers with disabilities, working conditions, and the challenges they face in their professional lives? When the existing studies are analyzed, the answers to these questions are not sufficiently inclusive. Therefore, in this study, teachers with disabilities are characterized as the voice of inclusion.
Ensuring the survival of disabled people in social life is closely associated with the provision of employment opportunities appropriate to their disabilities. In the field of education, the participation of disabled teachers in working life constitutes the assurance of an education based on the principle of equality and inclusion. The inclusiveness of education systems is not limited to the educational rights of students with disabilities. To build an inclusive education system, employment and appropriate working conditions for teachers with disabilities are also required to be provided. Although there are studies on students with disabilities in the literature, the number of studies conducted in the sample of teachers with disabilities is quite limited. With this study, it is thought that an awareness will be created for international scientific research on teachers with disabilities.
This study provides a systematic literature review of international studies focusing on the working conditions, challenges, and needs of teachers with disabilities. In this context, international academic databases were analyzed, and studies conducted on teachers with disabilities were identified. These studies were analyzed through document analysis, and the common points between the studies and the differences between countries were revealed. Therefore, a significant data source has emerged for the development of inclusive education policies.
Studies conducted on the sample of teachers with disabilities indicate that although the countries are various, the challenges are common. Issues such as barriers to career progression, social perspective, conditions and number of appointments, and working conditions demonstrate that there are common issues for teachers with disabilities on a global scale. When these challenges are analyzed from the perspective of social justice, these common difficulties encountered by teachers with disabilities could be considered as a significant problem of inequality and discrimination not only at the individual level but also at the social level.
In conclusion, it is clear that teachers with disabilities, as the voice of inclusion, have an important role to play in making education systems broader and more equalitarian. At this point, developing educational policies by considering the needs of teachers with disabilities could both increase the participation of individuals with disabilities in social life and provide an inclusive and equitable approach to education systems.
Keywords: Teachers with Disabilities, Inclusive Education, Social Justice.